SMDP 50th Birthday Celebration

Sunday the 6th of November, the day of St Martin De Porres’ 50th birthday celebration and Art Show is fast approaching.

The celebrations begin at 10am with the Mass of Thanksgiving in St Martin De Porres church and conclude around 3pm.


A reminder that all students are required to wear their Summer school uniform on the day.


Students must be under the care and supervision of their parent/carer at all times on the day.


Details about the day

During the Mass, the choir/band will  lead the congregation in song. Later throughout the day, there will be choir, band and class level performances on a custom built stage. There will also be roving performances within the school complex itself. 


The centre piece of the day, our SMDP Art show "In The Blink of an Eye" will take place in the hall.  


You can purchase lunch from the BBQ or a coffee from the coffee van. There will be student movies in some rooms and an Art Play hands-on experience in other rooms.


Thank you so much for your support of our special birthday. We are particularly proud of our school community and look forward to showing our best to many visitors on the day.