

Looking for a job?

Are you looking for casual or part time employment? The following are links to recruitment sites for several major retail companies:


Hungry Jacks
Muffin Break
Red Rooster
Donut King


Do you need a Tax File Number (TFN)? If you are planning to get a job or if you would like to study at university or TAFE next year, you will need a TFN. You will need to apply for a TFN – these aren’t issued automatically. To start the application process, go to


Applications for VU Guaranteed now open

Early entry for Victoria University is now open. Year 11 and 12 students from participating schools can apply for courses through VU Guaranteed. For information, list of eligible schools, key dates, and to apply go to


Unique teaching model at Victoria University


Victoria University is the first Australian university to use a 'block' model of learning, where you study one unit at a time rather than juggling several at once.

The VU Block Model offers you more one-on-one time with educators in an immersive, collaborative learning environment. It develops your confidence and independence as a learner, setting you up for success in your degree and beyond.

You'll study in short bursts, called blocks.

Each block focuses on one unit (subject) and is only four weeks long, with up to four days between blocks to relax and prepare for the next.

The year is broken up into 10 four-week blocks: two semesters of four blocks each, plus two optional blocks over winter and summer. If you miss a unit or need to repeat one, you can catch up over the winter and summer blocks.

The first unit you study is set. It's a great introduction to your course that helps build the academic skills you'll need to succeed. If you start your course a bit late, the unit is also offered in block two.

The other seven units you'll need to take in first year can then be studied in any order for most courses, to suit your work and life commitments.

According to the University, the retention rate and number of high distinctions has increased since implementing the model in 2018. To learn about the model, go to  


Kangan Institute

Kangan offers both vocational and higher education courses across several campuses in Victoria. The Institute has just released their TAFE to university pathway programs and have partnered with universities such as Swinburne, Deakin, RMIT, La Trobe, Federation and Charles Sturt. If you’re concerned you may not achieve the ATAR you need for your desired uni course, check out the pathway options at Kangan,


Dates for Your Diary

Following are a list of information sessions/open days that are happening in the school holidays.  Please check the websites for more information as most of these sessions will require you to register prior to attending.