Principals' Report
Ken Murray
On Tuesday evening, we had approximately 130 parents attend an information session regarding the plans for transition of students next year. Thanks to all for your input, and the information collected will influence our planning and actions in the weeks and months ahead. We will have another session in week 3 or 4 of next term. The date of this will be confirmed in the first Newslink of Term 3.
Last week your child’s progress reports and SPA reports appeared on XUNO. Teachers are now busying themselves writing end-of-semester reports. These are primarily tick-a-box reports as all the relevant comments have been made via progress reporting and other regular feedback online. These reports will be made available to parents in the last week of Term, on Thursday, 27th June.
On Tuesday, 11th June and Thursday, 13th June, all Year 10 students sat their end-of-semester exams. They followed their normal timetable, meaning they sat their exams in the same block times as they have each unit. This was a great opportunity for our Year 10s to experience, develop and learn from the added pressure of sitting exams in preparation for their senior years ahead.
The manner in which students (with parents/guardians help) have supported the school’s uniform code has been magnificent. The new rugby jumper continues to be very popular, and the vast majority of students are wearing the correct jumpers or jackets for protection from the cold temperatures. There are still some second-hand spray jackets available at the Main Office for those needing to keep warm.
The last day of Term 2 is Friday, 28th June. Normal classes will run from Periods 1 through 5. Students will be dismissed at 2:20pm as the buses will start to arrive at 2:30pm. We wish all students a happy and safe holiday and we look forward to their return on Tuesday, 16th July as the Monday, 15th July, is a professional development day for staff.
Assistant Principals
Xavier Tanner, Ian Goldrick, Karen Utber