Spotlight on HOM
Stephen Woolfe
Year 6 Teacher
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision in 5 / 6
The 5 / 6 Professional Learning Community (PLC) have been aiming the spotlight on Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision through a variety of ways. Of course all teachers have unpacked the whole concept of the Spotlight Habit of Mind awards and just last week discussed all nominations that were submitted by students for the first Spotlight awards for the year.
Teachers have also been including Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision with their lesson Learning Intentions and Success Criteria.
Students have had the opportunity to focus on and develop the Spotlight Habit, through a range of learning experiences. In particular, students had the opportunity to create their own icons for the Habits of Mind and present them in a slideshow.
The Year 5/6 Students had the opportunity to explain units of measurement, and the different tools used for measuring, using the 'App Explain Everything'.
A special mention goes to our school leaders, who have been very busy focusing on Communicating with Clarity and Precision when preparing for presenting at assembly.