
A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim at.

Bruce Lee (1940-1973)

Stand tall, Walk proud!

We are very excited to announce the school theme for 2019 as developed by the Students leaders - ASPIRE.

Which is simply all about rising higher; directing your hopes or ambitions towards achieving a goal or dream.

So we look forward to every member of our school community aspiring in every way in 2019!

Silver Phoenix Award Recipients

Congratulations to Lillian Reynolds and Amy Risk, both from Saumarez sporting house, on receiving their Silver Phoenix Award at the last whole school assembly.  Well done girls on your outstanding achievement!

Bronze Phoenix Award Recipients

Congratulations on the following students who received their Bronze Phoenix Award at the last whole school assembly.  Well done!



Abby Acton, Angus Bailey, Arlen Cochrane, Abbie Bourke, Sheree Bullock, Emily Bishop, Max Campbell, Indie Anderson, Jeorgia Bell-McKean, Max Cole, Alyssa Cordery, Connor Cameron, Cooper Boyd and Sienna Bastian.




Shiarah Droder, Bailey Gotts, Kaylee Faulkner, Tammy Deegan and Harry Faulkner .



Jamie Nordstrom, Skye Jones, Kynene Pennell, Isabella Murray, Riley Kliendienst, Liberty Myhill, Ava McFayden, Hayden Menzies, William Khan, Amara McFarlane, Hannah Khan, Phoebe McMillan, Sharni Oldknow and Aidan Nordstrom.


Lillian Reynolds, Lachlan Williams, Laura Shanahan, Caitlin Spradbrow, Imogen Westley, Annabel Sowerby, Salisar Poomipak, Nicholas Witcher, Riley Watson, Tayla Press, Ruby Smith, Hayley Schulhin, Gibson Westley, Becky Williams, Grace Tamaki-Nelson, Chayse Meehan, Tara Vickery, Kade Swilks, Elizabeth Sowerby and Fynn Williams.

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Stephen Covey (1932-2012)