from the assistant principals

Fee Payment Options
As a College, we are very conscious of cost of living pressures on families and endeavour to minimise fees and levies charged. It is however a fact that all government schools depend upon parent contributions to broaden and extend College programs. We are very proud of the breadth and depth of program offered across our College and enrich student learning by providing all students with a wide range of curricula and co-curricula programs. These programs enhance and extend student engagement and learning and are an important component of the comprehensive education for all students attending Dromana College. I believe that we would be a lesser school without such opportunities. It is these additional programs that set us apart from other schools. Many of these programs are provided by external organisations and require additional resourcing. Some examples include subsidising guest speakers and presenters for pastoral lessons and subjects including English (authors and experts), extra-curricula programs such as HPV, debating, State School Spectacular, Wakikiri Dance, sports equipment and uniforms, school mini buses, science and technology equipment, improvements and maintenance to College facilities and grounds to name but some.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all families who have contributed to the provision of College programs, resources and facilities by the timely payment of school fees and levies. We understand that some families face financial pressure and that the timing of payment either at the end of or beginning of a school year can be difficult for some families. As such we would like to inform all families that ongoing periodic instalments can be paid fortnightly, monthly or quarterly to make contributions more manageable. Parents interested in discussing these payment options are encouraged to contact the office on 5987 2805.
Simon Jones
Assistant Principal Years 10 - 12
Looking toward the future
After undertaking a review of the needs of Dromana College and the use of DayMap throughout Term 2, it was recommended that the school investigate the use of other online platforms that might better meet the needs of students, staff and parents.
As a result of this investigation School Council recently endorsed the decision to move to a new online platform in 2018. The new online platform, ‘Compass,’ is used widely across the state of Victoria in both Primary and Secondary schools. Compass will be partially implemented for Jumpstart, before moving to full implementation for the start of the 2018 school year.
The Compass platform will perform all of the same functions that DayMap currently does in terms of Assessment and Reporting, and it will enable us to implement new features such as online payment systems, more efficient and easier to navigate permission and payment interfaces and an interface that is easier to navigate and more reliable.
On another note, Dromana College is currently preparing our Enhancement offerings for 2018. The Enhancement Program has proven to be a huge success in recent years growing from a handful of students when first introduced to in excess of 150 students in 2017. Please keep an eye on the website for information relating to 2018 offerings in the areas of: Aerobics, Athletics, Basketball, Dance, Interior Design, STEAM and Swimming.
Chad Ambrose
Assistant Principal – Learning and Teaching
Years 7 - 9
It has been another exciting term for the junior school at Dromana College, with rarely a week going by where there is not something happening at Year 7, 8 and 9.
The term started with another highly successful Year 9 Urban camp where students embark upon a series of urban adventures, based at a wonderful facility in the heart of the city. The students get a taste of city life including the Victoria Market, the MCG, the Melbourne Aquarium, the Rialto tower and other significant Melbourne landmarks. The students need to display some initiative and independence on this camp and it is always a highlight for both students and teachers who attend. Our students were again exemplary in both their behaviour and the way in which they approached the activities.
At Year 7, a particular highlight this term was the Oral presentation evening. It is often daunting for young students to present on a topic to their peers and parents, but with the encouragement of their English and pastoral teachers they came through with flying colours! I enjoyed the vast array of topics that were discussed, and the enthusiasm of all participants. It was a huge turnout of parents, once again demonstrating the commitment of Dromana College parents to their child’s education. Well done to all!
All year levels have continued to work hard and demonstrate the Dromana College values. This is not always easy when the days are short and the weather cold, but our students continue to demonstrate their commitment to their college, their education and to embracing the opportunities offered at Dromana College.
Andrew Wynne
Assistant Principal Years 7 - 9