
Scholarships 2019 Entry
Preshil is offering Innovation & Creativity Scholarships for entry into Year 7 and Year 11 in 2019. We are seeking applications from independent and creative thinkers in all areas of learning. Preshil delivers a progressive International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program and is a *candidate school for the Diploma Program.
We provide the perfect environment for the individuality of students to flourish and the opportunity to let their imaginations flower!
Applicants are not required to sit a scholarship examination, rather, applicants are asked to submit a portfolio of material that shows evidence of creative, innovative and imaginative endeavour in any field of learning and of their capacity to contribute to the Preshil community.
Year 7 and 11 Applications close Friday, 25 May 2018.
Please visit our website to download an application.
Next School Tours
To learn more about Preshil we highly recommend and invite you to attend one of our advertised Tours, Information Evenings or Open Days. Please visit our website for dates.
This is a great opportunity to see the School at work, meet students, staff and parents, and ask all the questions you need.
Ask us about:
- Our unique environment
- Transition to the IB programs in the Secondary School
- Years 7 and 11 Innovation and Creativity Scholarships
- Our STEAM approach and Elective Program.
To understand the difference Preshil, as an authorised International Baccalaureate MYP world school, can make.
Please register here or phone to confirm your place on 9817 6135.