2017 Production News

Production camp
by Karoline Kuti, Coordinator
I think everyone involved would agree with me when I say that this was one of the best camp experiences I have ever had!
Together with Michelle Berner, from 14 – 17 September on a beautiful property in Daylesford I had the great pleasure of working with an amazing ensemble of students. They conducted themselves in every way with respect, kindness, courage and humour. They worked hard (often long hours) to learn their lines, dances and songs and constantly asked to help in any way they could, making everything easy for the several adults assisting them. They respected and encouraged each other every step of the way and were an absolute delight to be with.
Letter from a parent
Year 10/11 parent – dance teacher and choreographer Julie Fleming who joined the Production camp to choreograph the dance sequences - wrote to Marilyn afterwards in praise of the students, an extract of which is as follows:
“This was my first real opportunity to be actively engaged as a member of the school community. I have choreographed for years at various schools for their annual concerts and shows, therefore have a fair perspective on what’s involved.
The students themselves are remarkable - independent thinkers, confident, spirited, diligent, varied in their talents. The cast appears to have been selected to allow the children’s natural strengths, personalities and imagination to shine. Their characters are all coming to life and with commitment.
Outside of rehearsals, I observed their conduct in maintaining the space we were all cohabiting. With no prompting by adults they initiated a clean and tidy kitchen area, settled for bed without fuss or distraction, had genuine respect for everyone in the farmhouse, showed kindness to each child present and were clearly appreciative of the adult support they received.
Karoline and Michelle are such easy professionals to work with, excellent at their craft and have a natural rapport with the children. Their intention is clearly to draw out the best in their cast, which they make look so effortless but of course this is due to their remarkable skill, care and dedication. Their planning and expertise is commendable.
Above all, the weekend was loads of fun - laughing. singing, dancing, achieving, creating, eating, doing, making and breathing in lots of fresh air! Personally, it’s rewarding to be part of such an experience and also see from the inside how Preshil's values play out. They did you proud."
Link to Production website
Check out the photos from the Production camp and more on our weebly here.
Don't miss this funny and smart play, packed full of mystery, laughs and surprises.
Wednesday 8 November at 1pm and 7.30pm
Thursday 9 November
at 7.30pm
Emulation Hall
3 Rochester Road