Circa 1930s
Circa 1930s
DATE: Monday 16 October 2017
TIME: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
PLACE: The Kevin Borland Hall, 395 Barkers Road, Kew
RSVP: Accepted at any time.
In case you missed the invitation we have organised another reunion at Preshil for ex-students born up to about 1965, teachers and parents of those students, and anyone else connected with the school who might be interested.
Once again this will consist of a couple of hours of remembering old friendships and classmates, and looking at pictures, documents and artworks from the Preshil archives. There will be time to have a tour of the school if you wish. Refreshments are provided. A donation would be appreciated towards the refreshments and in aid of the ongoing project to index and store the school archives. We look forward to another very happy reunion.
Yours very sincerely,
Libby Shade (formerly Grierson)
Volunteer Archives and Alumni Co-ordinator
email: alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au
Do you have a story to share with your fellow classmates? Perhaps a new business venture, a special achievement or a fond memory? If you would like to share something with the wider community, please email us at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au
Photos are always welcomed!
The archives room continues to be fully operational and very busy! We continue to bring together small groups of ex-parents, teachers and students to help identify the many photographs we have found. Once dated and if possible named, these can be grouped into separate folders and filed for future access. There are many beautiful school photo albums on our shelves. Wednesday morning is the time to come in for a chat if you are interested.
We have also been attempting to return student work that we have found in the archives and so the more people who leave their current email details with the school, the more likely we are to be successful in returning individual project work. We have recently returned some packets of work from 2007 to individual students.
You can contact Libby Shade at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au or on 9459 2670, and find our Facebook page at Preshil Early Alumni.
If you would like to read our Arlington or Blackhall Kalimna fortnightly newsletters you can visit this link on our website to view the archive anytime: