Mr Butts' Announcements

Gr 5/6's at the War Memorial in Canberra

5/6 Camp

Our Gr 5/6 camp was once again a huge success.  Congratulations to the students on the way they conducted themselves and their excellent behaviour.  A big thank you to the staff who organised the camp and for spending a week away from home to look after the kids.

St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day is always a fun day at St Mary's with everyone dressing up in green and taking part in fun activities.  We also raised more money for our Caritas fund raising.


I was thrilled to see so many people at last night's  St Mary's Parent's and Friend's AGM.  We farewelled the outgoing president Kim Smith and thanked her for her many years as both a general committee member and as president.  I have witnessed the hard work and dedication Kim has shown in her role and St Mary’s has genuinely benefitted from this. We are very grateful that Vanessa Williams has accepted her nomination to become the new president.  Vanessa is keen to continue to wonderful work our P&F does each year. I ask all parents and carers to please keep an eye out for P&F notifications and assist when you can.

Bingo Helpers Needed!

Last year, St Mary's Bingo contributed more than $20,000 to the school which has benefitted us in many ways including the new air conditioning in the Marian Centre. Unfortunately the volunteer roster is very low at the moment and they require urgent help.  If you are interested please contact Maree Williams 0438 084 364.

Kym O'Keefe visit

Kym O'Keefe our local state met our Gr 5/6 students last week as part of their unit on governance.  There were lots of great questions and perhaps we have some future politicians at St Mary's!

Guest Speaker

The Grade 3 - 6 students had the privilege of listening to guest speaker, Liam Twomey, an elite triathlete and aspiring Paralympian!!

Liam spoke to the students about his story, about finding three things to be grateful for each day, about the importance of mindfulness and breathing exercises to calm yourself down and about setting goals for yourself.

Assembly 20th March

Principal's Award

Week 8 Brae Solomon Holt

Brae is a fantastic young man with many exceptional qualities.  He is organised, confident, a good communicator and at all times respectful to those around him.  Thank you Brae for being such a wonderful role model at St Mary's!

Mr Butts' Jokes!

Q: What do you call a reptile who can tell the time?

A: A Clockodile!


Q: What do whales with good manners say?

A: You're whalecome!


Anthony Butts



Be Good to people and the world will be good to you.