On Thursday 16th March BSC held our annual World's Greatest Shave event. 


The SRC had worked tirelessly for weeks getting everything ready resulting in the day being a huge success. 


We had over 20 brave students who cut or shaved their hair and hundreds more involved in spraying their hair with colured hairspray - leading to raising $12,498.20 for Leukaemia research, in addition to sending two sacks full of hair to sustainable solutions to be recycled. 


There was also a brilliant music performance put on by our arts leaders and a great atmosphere throughout. 


The SRC would like to extend a special thanks to all those in the BSC community (students, parents and staff) who helped with the event.

Danny Chalk

Student Leadership and Connectedness


Student reflection: 

Taking part in world's greatest shave was an amazing experience, it was great being able to raise money for a great charity that helps people suffering from blood cancer. It was great to see how much money was raised for this great cause, so thank you to everyone who donated. 

Sam McGrath (year 11)


Last year when I assisted in organizing the World’s Greatest Shave, I noticed an impact someone can make by taking part, so my friend Abigail and I made an agreement to take part the following year. All year we both grew out our hair and signed up last month when signups were released! I started my fundraising by bringing it to my friends and family on social media and saw a crazy amount of interest and support from everyone, even from people I am not that close to. The world’s greatest shave fundraiser is so well-known and appreciated that it brought people together and the collective of people ended up fundraising over $2200 in total!   


On the day of the cutting I was so nervous, sitting in the chair, so many of my friends were cheering me on and didn’t let me doubt my choice! Once it was cut, I was shocked by the 30cm's of hair missing but the immense support and people backing me up gave me a crazy amount of pride!

Everyone surrounding me showed me so much interest and support that I didn’t second guess or doubt my choice at all! 


I highly recommend anyone and everyone if possible, to get involved next year, even if you manage to bring in a couple of dollars, simply showing your support and getting involved can make an insane difference in someone’s life!  


I hold no regrets about my choice to cut my hair! And thank you to everyone around me who supported me and my fundraising! Congrats to everyone on the BSC team!'

Lola Poore (Year 12)