Promoting Student Wellbeing

A message from the Mental Health Practitioner

As I announced in a post on Compass a few weeks ago, I have resigned from my position and my last day was Thursday 9th March.


I wanted to reiterate that I have considered it a privilege to work alongside the young people of VUSC and have greatly enjoyed being part of this community. VUSC plans to recruit a new MHP as soon as possible, who will continue the work of promoting mental health and wellbeing across the College while also providing 1:1 support to students who need it. 


I also wanted to provide you all with an update about our exciting video-based health promotion project, that I have been leading with my colleague, Secondary School Nurse Bronwyn, and that Bronwyn will be continuing with going forward. So far we have released five videos, and these can all be accessed via the links below. We wanted to make these accessible for any students that didn’t catch them or want to re-watch, and for families as well. 


Introduction to the Series




Coping Skills




Doctors in Schools Program


In the remaining 3 weeks of term, we will be releasing a video on vaping, one on dental and eye health, and one on mental health and help seeking. 


If you have any questions about this project feel free to get in touch with Bronwyn via


Thanks and all the best




RRRR Program

VUSC is implementing the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships program, which is a primary prevention initiative to reduce family violence through promoting and modelling respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. If you are experience family violence, or would like information or support, please visit the site below or call 1800RESPECT.




Mental Health Services and Support

The school community is welcome to access these services for mental health support: 















