Principal's Message

Dear Endeavour Hills Specialist School community members,
What a year we have had at Endeavour Hills Specialist School.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the students for an amazing year. Every student has worked to be their best and develop their skills academically and socially. All students have demonstrated our school values of Be Kind to yourself, to others and the environment. Students are very proud when they receive a green chronicle in Compass for demonstrating the school values. Please make sure to regularly check compass and celebrate these with your child.
I would also like to thank all the parents, carers, extended family, and volunteers who have supported our children to be the best they can be. Families play a pivotal role in the partnership between home and school. It is so important to have that open and transparent communication when supporting your children. This ultimately leads to improved student outcomes.
Our school has continued to grow. We finished the year with 141 students at our school. We are preparing to welcome 60 new students at the beginning of 2024. This has been an enormous body of work in preparing and enrolling the students. I would like to thank our enrolment team of Michelle Bolivar and Rayanne Krayem for their tireless efforts in working through process with families. I would also like to thank Emma Sutcliffe for the work she did in visiting new students and setting up transition and providing detailed notes for the staff who will be working with these students next year.
We have concluded our first school review. This review looked at our growth and achievements since we opened in 2022. The review panel consisted of Barry Sorgahan (External reviewer), Michalea Cole (Senior Education Improvement Leader) Scott Tucker (Principal Southern Autistic School), Jennifer Hamilton (Principal Marnebek School) Rebecca De Lima (School Council President), Nat Hassan, Michelle Bolivar, Tim Witcombe and myself. The panel spoke to groups of staff, students and parents. I am very proud to say that the overall feedback was extremely positive around the school culture, leadership, and student learning. The findings from this review will form the basis of our four year school strategic plan (SSP). The SSP is the guiding goals and targets that determine the priorities for student learning and wellbeing. Each year we develop an Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which guides the work of the school each year in working to meet our targets. The 2024 – 2027 SSP and 2024 AIP will be available on our website early in term 1.
You will have received your child’s end of year report via Compass this afternoon. I am sure you will enjoy celebrating your child’s achievements for the year. These reports provide a snapshot of the academic and social learning that has occurred. We also have a focus on communication, sensory regulation and Being Ready to learn. Without this holistic approach learning cannot occur.
You will also have received the social story which outlines your child’s class team and peers for 2024. A great deal of time and thought goes into the formation of these class groups. We consider academic, social, and sensory needs when forming these groups. It is a consultative process involving the current class team and leaders. We will have 22 classes across the school next year.
Occasionally there is some concern from parents if your child does not “Move up a building”. Transition amongst learning places does not occur every year as each learning place caters to a range of age groups. Every teacher within a learning place teaches to your child’s point of need and differentiates to maximize their learning. Your child may spend a few years within a learning place before transitioning to a new learning place.
Sadly, we are farewelling some staff. I would like to thank them for their contribution to the growth and success of EHSS and wish them luck in their future journey. Thanks to:
Ashleigh Gardiner, Stephanie Chernak, Liz Rout, Emily Grisold, Jessie Ryan, Lisa Dinan, and Kayla Fontaine.
I would also like to congratulate Emma Sutcliffe as she begins her role as Inclusion Outreach Coach. Emma will be working with the leadership teams in mainstream schools supporting them in their practices in disability inclusion. Emma will still be part of the EHSS team and will support our school one day per week.
As we wind down to the last day of school there are many exciting activities happening around the school. I have enjoyed visits from students ranging from coming to sing me a song, share a delicious treat they have made, join them in making cookie houses or participating in a “Camp” out.
A reminder that school finishes at 1pm on Wednesday 20th December, students will arrive at bus pick up 2 hours earlier. Their Care is operating from 1pm.
The first day of school for students is Tuesday January 30th 2024, please take note of the change in drop off and pick up points. This information was in the email containing the class lists and school map from your child’s leading teacher for 2024. The staff return on Monday 29th January 2024.
I would like wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and I am looking forward to the exciting adventures 2024 will bring.
Kind regards,
Karen Hunt