Miss Mel's Message

Principal - St Brigid's Primary School

Week 8

Building Update

Our building safety fencing is up! We have made new play plans for break times. The front of the school is now open for play. The front gates are now locked. If you require school access during break time please phone the office. Along the middle side of the school and the Learning Street are also open at break times. 


Student Absences

Please be advised that we will now be emailing families when a student is absent and we have not been notified of their absence. We will no longer be using the SMS service. If your child is away, please log an Operoo absentee note to save an office follow-up.


PBL Update

St Brigid’s continues to focus on our whole school Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL). In particular, we will be focusing on Respect. What it means, what it looks like, why it is important. We will send home more information as we begin to unpack this important value with our students. 



NAPLAN has been a success to date. There have been no technical errors and lots of great participation. The children have all taken it in their stride. 



Last week year 3 families attended a family Sacramental evening, it was great to see so many families attend and engage in the evening. We look forwaed to the ceremonies on Wednesday 29th March. 


SEA - Sex Education Australia

Thank you to all the families who attended online on Wednesday evening for the parent information session. There was a large turn out and it was greatly appreciated. Students commence their three sessions next week. Petrina has sent out information via Operoo. 


Cross Country & Lap-a-Thon

We look forward to our annual cross country event, with this year being our very first lap-a-thon event. This event will be held at Dixon Field. Happy running!


Set for Success in Learning and Life (SSLL) program 


Fish Tank Wanted

We are looking for a fish tank to hold our ten fish that have been relocated from the fountain. Please contact mdaly@sbgisborne.catholic.edu.au if you can assist. 


Parent Calendar

Please utilise the Parent Google Calendar, as this has up to date events. 


Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Instagram posts!

