A Look at Learning

From the LOP - Mrs McCarthy

5 Key Learning Questions….


Thank you to our wonderful parents and carers who were able to engage with your children and their teachers in the Student Led Conferences for Term 2.  To build on these positive learning conversations, we encourage the children to articulate their learning on a daily basis by responding to these 5 Questions about Learning. Not only does it encourage student ownership of their learning, but they can then personally identify their next steps to improve as well as where to seek help if they don’t get it!


What are you learning?

“In (reading/writing/spelling etc) I am learning to ...”


How are you going?

How do you know?

“I am going well/ok because ...”


How can you improve?

“To improve my (reading/writing/spelling etc) I could ...”


Where do you go for help?

“If I need help I ...”



At the dinner table instead of asking your children “How was school today?” or “What did you learn at school today?” Try our 5 question model!