P&F News



Thank you to all those who attended this term’s meeting held on Tuesday. It was wonderful to see so many new faces and we hope that by holding our meetings at this new time of 2pm it will make our meetings more accessible for parents. We have some very exciting projects in the pipeline for the remainder of this year. 


Our Term 3 meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 1st August. 




The P & F would like to extend their appreciation to all those who supported our Annual Pie Drive and our Cocktails and Clay evening. Our Pie Drive made $856 profit and our Cocktails and Clay night raised $1179 profit. These funds will now be put towards the purchase of new percussion instruments and upgrading the sporting equipment such as new netballs and footballs for our students to use in their lunchbreaks to encourage active play. 


For those who attended and created at the Cocktails and Clay evening, your work has been fired and is ready to be collected from the front office at St Joseph's.




Get your dancing shoes on! Our annual Winter Disco is set to return on Thursday 29th June. 


The disco will run from 6-7.30pm and entry will be $5 which includes Pizza and a popper for each child which is payable at the door on the night. We will also be running a canteen will a small assortment of sweets and treats available for purchase.