Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

Enrolment for 2024 is well and truly open. Please spread the word about our great school to families, friends and newcomers to town! Promotional materials have been distributed around town and a radio ad is running on GEM-FM for the next few weeks. Good schools become GREAT schools when families go to BBQs and “beat the school UP” not beat the school down. Positive ‘word of mouth’ attracts quality applicants to join our wonderful learning spaces here at St Joseph’s School Glen Innes in 2024!


From time to time schools consider the uniform options provided to families. Consequently, the St Joseph's School Glen Innes - School Advisory Council (SAC) seek your valued opinion about the current school uniform. An electronic survey will be distributed to families today via COMPASS to gather some valued data about the current uniform offerings. Please note that NO final decisions or changes to the uniform will be made based on the data collected in this initial survey. IF there is a strong opinion to change any aspect of the uniform noted from this survey data, further consultation will occur with families. IF there is a strong opinion to keep the current uniform as it is, then no further consultation will be required. Please complete this online survey by the end of this term, Friday 30 June.


As many families would be aware, Flu season has hit hard in Glen Innes this term and that is notwithstanding the increase in COVID-19 cases, as well as vomiting and diarrhoea! Hence, as I stated in my last newsletter that while positive attendance is essential for strong academic outcomes and positive well-being,  a day or two at home to sleep, drink water and recover quickly is far more productive than limping along for days at a time at school with a prolonged illness. Please continue to let us know if your child tests positive for COVID-19 and keep children at home if they feel unwell to avoid spreading an infection to other children and staff.


Congratulations to Charlotte Neville (Year 3) whose artwork “Off and racing” has been selected as one of 60 finalists in the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize. Charlotte’s beautiful and skilful work was selected from over 500 entries from more than 50 schools. Further judging and exhibition of artworks will occur from 28 July to 13 August at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale. Congratulations Charlotte and further evidence of St Joseph’s School Glen Innes children testing themselves at the next level!


Our latest St Joseph’s Glen Innes graduate (2007) to showcase is Sophie Ryan. Sophie is currently completing her PhD in International Law at the University of Oxford, where she is an Australia-at-Large Rhodes Scholar. So far, Sophie has had the opportunity to live, work, or study in Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, England, Greece, Croatia, and now, Germany, where she is currently doing research on accountability for international human rights abuses. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Civil Law (Dist) from the University of Oxford. In 2017-18, she was a New Colombo Plan Fellow in Singapore. Immediately prior to coming to Oxford, Sophie was a Legal Officer at the Australian Law Reform Commission. 


What an incredible achievement to achieve the international status of a Rhodes Scholar from humble beginnings in Glen Innes! Well done Sophie and spread the news everyone - this is a GREAT school with GREAT graduates!










Condolences to Pat Solomon’s family after her passing last Saturday. Pat was a long-term associate of the school and was particularly well known for running a wonderful tuckshop service out of the Parish Hall. Apparently, it was such a great service that children who graduated and went to the High School would often come back and order their lunch from Pat even after they left!? May Pat rest in the peace of the Lord.


And finally, a reminder that next Friday 9 June is a Pupil Free Day where staff will gather with teachers and support staff from Inverell and Warialda to refresh and update their pedagogical knowledge and skills to support improvement in student writing capacity. Once again another example of how our teams of skilful helpful adults continue to work to improve themselves and others to ensure positive academic success for our great kids!


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
