School News

Room 10 - Year 2 Assembly

In Room 10 this term, the children have discussed and brainstormed ways in which all students at White Gum Valley Primary School can demonstrate being Respectful, Organised and Safe. 


Our class assembly demonstrates that when we show ROS behaviours, we help our school to be a happy and enjoyable environment for everyone. 


Our positive behaviour can even be observed by people (and animals) we don’t even know are watching!

Honour Certificates

Room 1    Jarrah and Flynn

Room 2    Abi and Isaac

Room 3    Harriet and Joel

Room 5    Ruby, Andy and Harry

Room 6    Florence, Bob and Harry

Room 7    John and Mia

Room 8    Kingston and Philippa

Room 9    Eloise and Aidan

Room 10  Fletcher and Sampson

Room 11  Jude and Catalina

Room 12  Dhani and Imogen

Library News



Attendance Matters

We ask that parents inform us of the reason for any absences. If a reason isn’t provided, we send letters every 3 weeks reminding of the need for an explanation. If you receive one of these letters, please fill it in and return to your child’s teacher.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance or lateness, please see your child’s teacher in the first instance or our Deputy, Sam Tingle. Commissioner




The esafety Commissioner has many resources that are aimed at providing parents with help on how to start the chat about online safety issues and strategies.

There is also a series of short videos designed for children aged 5 – 8 years old to help them learn how to protect them selves.


Why not check out the resources and help keep your family safe.

WGV Good Standing Policy