Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffman | Year 8 Coordinators

Congratulations to everyone on making so far in what has been a very busy Term 1 already! We are proud of all your efforts so far.


The term is moving very quickly and holidays are not far away. As assessments are introduced and completed, some students are beginning to feel the pressure and may be finding it difficult to keep track of what is required in each of their subjects. Parents and Guardians can support their student by asking a few questions at home or taking some time to help them sort through the work that comes home with them. Don’t forget to ask if they have written down assessments in their diaries! Please remind your child that it is OK to speak with their teacher during or after class about things they are finding difficult. Students looking for additional help are welcome to attend either the Maths Help sessions on Wednesdays at 3:30pm in M14, or the English Help that is offered each Wednesday at 3:30pm in M wing.





SRC for 2023

We would like to acknowledge our 2023 SRC representatives. These students have either put their hand up or have been nominated by their peers to be the voice of Year 8 this year. It will be their responsibility to hear feedback from their peers in form group on what we can do to make the college a better place to be. Well done to all involved. Our SRC executive representative are Jasper Christian and Mia Frawley. 


SRC Representatives:

8A Josh Price Lily Robson

8B Jasper Christian

8C Ryder Reid Anderson Brown Lara Webb

8E Enid Knight Charlotte Elbourne

8F Bellah Harris

8G Michael Chambers Duncan Fraser Mia Frawley 


Value Awards 

Well done to the following three students who have received the most values for Term 1 so far:

Isaac Gregor

Indy Webb

Riley James


These three students have consistently displayed the College values of Care, Commitment, Collaboration and Character throughout the term.


Term Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews

Student term reports have now been released and are available on SEQTA. Students and Parents/Guardians can use these to see how students are progressing with all their subjects and use to have discussions with their classroom teachers. 


It was great to see so many parents/students attend Parent Teacher Interviews.



A reminder that students must wear the Horsham College school uniform as per the school’s uniform policy. Students wearing the wrong uniform, parents/guardians must let coordinators know via SEQTA direct message or complete a written note.


Sam Hoffmann & Justin Chilver – Year 8 Coordinators