Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

The term has all but gone as we push closer towards Easter. Wednesday 29th March brings Parent Teacher interviews, an opportunity to touch base with staff about any possible issues students may have or any burning questions about the subjects. Please make a time to touch base with your student’s teacher if you feel the need.


Staff at Alternate Programs have worked tirelessly this term to do anything they could for your students’ needs and I thank them whole heartedly.






As Term 1 is coming to an end I want to ask that all parents and students have a restful break and take the time to enjoy some downtime. If for whatever reason you or your child need support, please take the time to access services in Horsham.



After learning about Landscape Photography, Blue Group students took some pictures along the river. Then they went to the Horsham Art Gallery and worked with Resident Artist: Mars, transforming their photos into acrylic masterpieces. Students were all well engaged and had a fun time!