

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer


Over the last two weeks our Year 7 and 9 students have been sitting the various Naplan tests. These tests form just one piece of assessment of a snapshot of where our students are currently at with their literacy and numeracy skills. A big thank you to our students who managed to sit through these tests without a fuss. It also highlighted to us the number of students who are not bringing laptops to school either because they forgot, or they are damaged, or not charged. Students are required to bring a charged device each day and to bring their charger in their laptop bag so it can be used if required. If your device is damaged and needs repair please prioritise this as all student work is up on seqta and communication occurs through seqta direct messaging. 



The 2023 debutante ball for our Year 11 students is fastly approaching. It will be held out at Longerenong on Friday 31st March, commencing at 7.30pm sharp. (Note: New earlier starting time, previously 8pm). All the best to our students who are being presented.



Harmony week was celebrated this week to recognise the wonderful diversity of cultures that we have. We marked the occasion on Thursday with a free dress day with the theme of a ‘splash of culture’ to encourage the wearing of cultural items of clothing. During lunchtime we had a fiesta of live performances, food, games and activities. Many thanks to our volunteer students and our wellbeing team and our VET Kitchen Operation students for the nasi goreng! 



On Wednesday also to highlight Harmony Week, we invited our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families to a fun afternoon at the YMCA for a swim and BBQ meal. Joining our school was a number of local Primary Schools and Horsham Special School who had the opportunity to catch up and have a yarn. It was great to see so many families enjoying each other’s company and the event itself. Well done to all of those involved.



Everyday we are challenged within ourselves for various reasons and it is important to note that good decisions are not usually made in moments where we feel challenged. It is important to discuss and listen carefully and work through what is going on for us. You may have heard the term growth Mindset which teaches us that when things are difficult, we can continue to learn and grow. With a fixed mindset, we talk ourselves into believing we can either do something or we cannot. At Horsham College, we focus on a growth mindset, as every opportunity has a learning experience for us and it is important to note that resilience develops from these experiences that we encounter.


Take care,

Shannon, Louise, Melissa and Liam