Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Interim reports are out and for some, it might have shown areas where students need to refocus their attention to be able to get the most out of each class.  For others, it might be a time to congratulate themselves on all the hard work they have put into the first term of 2023. With Parent/Teacher interviews held on Wednesday 29th March, it gives families the opportunity to sit with teachers and talk about how students are going and what more we can do to help them succeed.

Hopefully most families have been able to take part in the interviews, but if you haven’t been able to don’t despair.  Teachers are available to answer your queries via direct message on SEQTA or you can contact the school to make a time to meet/speak with teachers at a time that is convenient to all. Family involvement has a significant impact on how students engage with school, in fact, family engagement has been shown to override all other factors that influence a student’s achievement. 

Some tips for parents when having parent/teacher interviews:

  • Review reports/results on SEQTA so that you are prepared; talk to your child and see how they feel about each of their classes.
  • Ask questions – teachers will let you know how your student is doing but don’t be afraid to ask questions about anything eg. “Does my child participate in class?” “Are there any particular behaviours you have noticed about my child and how they learn?” “What can we do at home/what else can school do to help support our child?”
  • Have a positive attitude – your student will pick up on how you are feeling.  It is also important to talk with your child after interviews to see what they thought of the discussions.
  • Follow up on concerns and suggestions that are made; contact school if you feel that something that was agreed upon has not been completed.

Bonita O'Brien - Student Academic Counsellor