Harmony Week Fiesta

Yolande Grosser, Chaplain

Chappy Chats

A visit from a Chinese Lion and the introduction of donut limbo to celebrations last Thursday lunchtime, were both hits, as our Horsham College community celebrated Harmony Week with a free dress day and a Fiesta on the 23rd of March. 


Blessed with a beautiful warm day, the team of volunteer students from across the school served more than 300 cups of icy pink grapefruit and peach iced tea cordial, with the spicy ginger giving participants a truly refreshing cultural experience. 


First course was Nasi Goreng prepared by the VET Kitchen Operations cohort under the direction of Cat Clarke, with an incredible 230 serves going out in bamboo boat bowls and eaten using chopsticks.  Delicious, thank you team!


Over 130 packets of Biscoff cookies were enjoyed along with hundreds of Kopika and Mentos lollies as students attempted to identify the origin of traditional foods and clothing. Fresh fruit and 280 chocolate Easter eggs were consumed by teens as they completed craft and games in German and Spanish under the guidance of the Language Department. 


Following a welcome by School Captain, Harriet Overman, and Vice Captain, Jarrah Davidson, students were entertained by the brilliant costumes and elegant dancing of members of our Karen community Eh P’saw Paw Ta Lee, Heihserpaw Payhae and Sarah Po Kyaut. 

During a week that celebrates the success of our nation as a multicultural society, it was terrific to welcome representatives from the Centre for Multicultural Youth to the event in preparation for the launch of our own Horsham College lunchtime multicultural group this week. 


Organised by the Wellbeing Team, many students wore traditional items of clothing or a splash of orange to dramatically demonstrate our Horsham College school value of ‘Character – enjoy our successes’. 

Thank you to all those who volunteered, dressed-up or just came along to appreciate the talent on show and to acknowledge that #everyonebelongs.


Yolande Grosser,

Chaplain, Horsham College.