Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

Key upcoming dates.

Deb Ball – 31st of March


Value Awards

Well done to Anika Watson and Sarah Po Kyaut on achieving the value awards for demonstrating exceptional commitment to your VCE studies.


Subject changes

Reminder to all year 11 students that subject changes are closed and set until the end of semester. If you still wish to change subject, you must apply to do so at the end of the semester. Until this time you are required to meet the expectations of the classes you are enrolled in. If you are feeling under pressure with your classes please reach out to the year 11 team, the well-being team or your teacher for support.



We would like to remind everyone that wearing school uniform is always mandatory during school hours. We have noticed an increase in the number of students disregarding this rule.


Wearing school uniform is not only a requirement, but it is also a way to represent our school and community with pride. It promotes a sense of belonging and unity among students.


We understand that personal expression is important, but school uniform provides an equalizer and creates a professional atmosphere that is conducive to learning. It also eliminates the stress of choosing what to wear every morning, which can be a distraction from academic pursuits.


If you require support for any reason in obtaining uniform, please contact the Year 11 team.


Form Group

The year 11 team is looking at form group attendance of the next few weeks. It is a school requirement that you attend form group as it is the mainline for information about school and event for students. Missing form group leads to missing key opportunities and information.


Arriving on time to form group is crucial. When you arrive late, you not only disrupt the group's momentum, but you also risk missing important instructions and information.


Furthermore, arriving on time demonstrates that you are reliable and committed to being successful. It shows that you respect your form group members' time and are willing to work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.



If your child is absent we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5382 1191, a signed note or SEQTA message. Form group teachers will be in touch if your child has an unexplained absence to ensure your child’s attendance is up to date.