St Brigid's News and Events

Mother's Day Stall and Breakfast
It is a BIG week at St Brigid's next week as we celebrate Mothers/Special People in our lives. We are looking forward to our Mother's Day Stall on Thursday. Don't forget to bring some spending money (No more that $10.00 per child please). There are some lovely gifts on offer.
Our Mother's Day Breakfast is on Thursday 11th of May - 7:30am to 9:00am in Brigid Hall.
Mini Mother's Day Market - Tomorrow 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Eva Takis - Scentify and Beth Wallace - Mimi Jewellery will have their beautiful wares on sale just in time for Mother's Day - tomorrow Friday 5th of May between 2:30pm and 4:00pm in Brigid Hall. (Please note this is not the Mother's Day Stall for the children to purchase their Mother's Day gifts).
Moose Toys Take Back Scheme
Tripping over toys at home? Have a clear out over the school holidays - Donations will be accepted up until Friday 12th May.
A few weeks ago Moose Toys launched their first ever toy take back scheme and we have agreed to be a collection point here at St Brigid’s. Why is this big news you ask?
- This is a 1st for Moose Toys: This is Moose stepping up to the plate, taking responsibility for the toys they produce and actively playing a role in ensuring that ours and other toys are kept in play for as long as possible, and those that are ready to retire are recycled vs. going to landfill.
- This is a 1st for the Australian Toy industry: To date there are some great initiatives out there attempting to make recycling toys more accessible, e.g. Big W’s scheme. These schemes attempt to increase the percentage of toys that are recycled up from the current 8%, preventing precious resources going to landfill. While recycling is 100% part of the solution, it should be the final frontier, not the first. This is why, in an Australian toy industry first we have partnered with Circonomy to ensure that the maximum number of toys that we receive are not recycled, but instead are cleaned, repaired and rehomed to new owners, either by donation or resale, where they can make even more kids Superhappy! This is all about maximizing smiles and minimizing waste.
CALL TO ACTION - Bring your the idle toys cluttering your home to School and drop in the collection box in the office and we’ll find new loving homes for them. We will sort through your toys, new or broken, refurbish and rehome those than we can, and recycle those that we can’t. Bring to school by Friday 12th May.
Ban on Plastic Spoons and Forks
In line with the recent bans on plastic spoons and forks we will no longer be able to provide spoons and forks with their hot food.
If your child orders food from the tuckshop or brings food from home that requires a spoon or fork we are asking that you please supply it from home.
We are happy to support this move towards a more sustainable future.