News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to Term 2! There are many exciting things to come this term and we are all looking forward to it. We hope you and your children have an amazing term.
District Cross Country
Our cross country team ran at the District Cross Country last Friday and they did an amazing job! Three children made it through to the next level which is called Division Cross Country. A great big congratulations to Mikki G, Lucy W and Islah S (3/4D) for getting through. Good luck for Tuesday 30th May.
All our children who ran in the District Cross Country did an amazing job and we are very proud of them. Some children had never run cross country before and were quite nervous but they did their very best and enjoyed the experience.
Once again our children were complimented not only by our staff and parents, but by other schools on their behaviour, sportsmanship and how we congratulated other runners on their efforts. Super job Cross Country Team!!
Here is what our 3 students who are going to the Division Cross Country had to say.
Mikki G:
What did you enjoy most about the day?
Encouraging people and making it into division.
Was the race hard or easy?
Medium because I thought we were at the finish line but there was 10 meters to go so I wasted a lot of my energy.
How did you feel when you got into Division Cross Country?
I didn’t feel real because it’s a huge achievement and I am very proud of myself.
Lucy W:
What did you enjoy most about the day?
Cheering everyone on and I liked my run.
Was the race hard or easy?
At the start my legs hurt but near the end my legs started to get used to the run.
How did you feel when you got into Division Cross Country?
Really excited because I finally got into the Division in my last year at St Brigids.
Islah S:
What did you enjoy most about the day?
Running because it was fun.
Was the race hard or easy?
It was hard because it was painful.
How did you feel when you got into Division Cross Country?
Happy and excited.
Eucharist - Sunday 7th May at St Brigid’s Church
Our Year 4 students are making their First Eucharist on Sunday. This Sacrament means they receive communion and it is the next stage of their Catholic Faith Journey.
We all wish them the very best and hope they enjoy the day!
Thanks to Mrs Marziano, Mrs Harrison, Mrs Kavadias, Mrs Williams and Miss Dirckze for preparing our children for the Sacrament.
Christina H:
Are you excited about Eucharist?
Yes, I wonder what the blessing will be like.
Have you any thoughts about Eucharist?
I wonder what the bread will taste like.
Who is coming to the Eucharist with you?
My parents and sister.
Spencer E:
Are you excited about Eucharist?
Yes, because I have never done it before.
Have any thoughts about Eucharist?
I wonder what the bread will taste like.
Who is coming to the Eucharist with you?
Both my parents, my sister and maybe my brother.
Life Ed
Unfortunately Life Ed Van was cancelled in Week 1 because the person running the program got sick. But the good news is that they will be coming back this term! We are looking forward to seeing Harold.
Mothers Day Stall and Breakfast
On Thursday May 11th, St Brigids will be having a Mothers Day breakfast with all mums. There will be a coffee van for all the adults to enjoy.
The P & F are making a lucky dip for the children so make sure you bring in $1 to have a go. At 8.00am the children will go into FR and 1S classrooms for a movie and art activity. Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Marziano will supervise.
Running Club
Miss Richards is changing up Running Club. Starting next Tuesday we are doing a run from Melbourne to Sydney!
When you run laps Miss Richards will:
- Record how many laps each child does and then calculate and combine all the laps and see how long it will take us to ‘run to Sydney.’
- When you come to running club make sure you get Miss Richards to put your name on the list so she can record your laps.
- Melbourne to Sydney = 878 km
- Track = 50 meters
How long do you think it will take us to run to Sydney?
Swimming Lessons
This week the Foundations to Year 4’s started swimming and they will be continuing this for another week. We hope they are enjoying the swimming program. The teachers have all said the children are doing a wonderful job!
Recycling of Toys
Thank you to the parents who have bought in their toys to be recycled. We have had to hide some of the toys so the children don’t want to take them back home!
Thank you to Seb A’s mum who works for Moose Educational Toys who started this recycling project. Toys can be dropped off to the office. The toys will be collected on Friday 12th May.
We hope you enjoyed our newsletter. Thank you from the Technology Leadership Group.
Rebecca, John, Lewis, Raffy, Max, Grace and Zara