Prep News

Term 2 Week 3 in Prep 

This week saw the beginning of Phase 2 of our remote learning program for our school. In Prep we began our structured week of zoom meetings, small group sessions and a range of different online and screen-free learning activities. 


Our Preps started the week with a bang and they kept up the momentum right through to the end of the week. Each one of our cherubs engaged with their learning and enthusiastically participated in our zoom sessions. 


We learnt so many new word families this week and had fun finding these in our books during our guided reading sessions. In writing our Preps helped solve a major problem, Ms Champion and Miss Young had forgotten how to sound out!! So thankfully the Preps came to the rescue and helped them sound out using their letter sounds so the teachers could write their sentences. 


In Maths we all became 2D shape detectives. We hunted for them around our house, made them with paddle pop sticks and playdough, we explored the sides and corners of shapes and even made our own funny looking shape monsters. 


We loved getting an insight into our Prep families and their history through our Inquiry task ‘Family Facts’. The Preps investigated what made their family special and unique. They then recorded their response using Seesaw. Ms Champion and Ms Young absolutely loved hearing the Preps proudly speak about their family and their wonderful stories.