2021 Past Pupils of Distinction

Members of the Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee, together with the Kilbreda College Community, are delighted to continue the celebration of Kilbreda women as part of the Past Pupils of Distinction Program.
Kilbreda Past Pupils of Distinction is an initiative that recognises, acknowledges and celebrates outstanding achievements and contributions to community that the nominees have made/are making, and that in embodying the College motto, Strength and Kindliness, have made and are making a difference in their lives and the lives of others.
Inductees are chosen by a selection committee comprised of the Kilbreda Stewardship Council and chosen in accordance with the set criteria.
2021 Nominations Now Open!
We are excited to open nominations for the 2021 Program, the third in this biennial program. We are encouraged by the ongoing interest and support created by Past Pupils of Distinction. Nominations close on 14 May 2021 at 3.00pm.
The Nomination Form can be found on the College website at https://www.kilbreda.vic.edu.au/PastPupilsNomination.aspx
We ask that you seriously consider nominating a past pupil who meets the criteria of achieving excellence in their chosen field, has made a difference in the lives of others and embodies the Kilbreda motto of Strength and Kindliness.
Previous nominees may be re-nominated if they have not been inducted.
The 2021 Kilbreda Past Pupils of Distinction inductees and nominees will be celebrated at a formal dinner to be held on Friday 6 August 2021 at the College.
Should you have any enquiries about Past Pupils of Distinction, please contact me at denise127@optusnet.com.au
We look forward to receiving nominations and continuing to celebrate Kilbreda women making a difference.
Denise Leonard (née Morrissey)
Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee