Skipping Girl

From the Archives 

This year I have the pleasure of teaching the Year 12 VCAL Literacy component.  As a result, I thought it might be interesting to introduce the girls to a bit of Kilbreda history.


On Thursday 13 February there was an article in the Herald Sun newspaper that said that the factory in Abbotsford with the iconic Skipping Girl neon sign on its roof was being sold for over 20 million dollars. In 1915, a competition to design a logo for the Skipping Girl Vinegar Company was won by Jim Minogue, who used his sister Kitty as the model for the design of a girl skipping.


“What does that have to do with Kilbreda?” you may ask.

Kitty Minogue became a nun taking the name Sister Felicitas, she later came to Kilbreda to be a teacher. She taught from 1968 to 1972 and lived here for many years.


During her primary school teaching years at Kilbreda she taught current staff member, Mrs Carolyn Callaghan. 


For further information, you may wish to consult an article on the Kingston Historical Webpage:


Damian Smith
