Principal's Reflection

At the commencement of the school year we celebrated the launch of our Strategic Plan 2020 - 2024, a strategic plan which captures the hopes, dreams and aspirations that we have for Kilbreda College.
This Strategic Plan is the culmination of much discussion and discernment over a 12 month period by all staff, the Stewardship Council, and parent and student representatives. In it we have celebrated and honoured the rich history of Kilbreda and remained true to the vision and mission of the Brigidine Sisters who established this wonderful school 116 years ago.
We are preparing our students for a very different future to that which any of us have experienced. Schools and educators today must keep evolving in order to respond to the changing needs of our time and prepare students, as best they can, for their future so that they may thrive in all aspects of their lives.
Some societal changes will allow us to choose our response, others will not, but we will always respond in a manner reflecting the mission and values of Kilbreda College, which honour and continue the legacy of the Brigidine Sisters.
The Sisters of St Brigid are well known for their contemporary and forward thinking nature, challenging societal norms, if they are not aligned with gospel values, and putting the needs of the other first.
Five Strategic Intentions, each with underlying goals, outline the future direction of the College with a focus on continual improvement and innovation, as we strive to provide the knowledge, skills and experiences the Kilbreda girls of today need to thrive in tomorrow’s world.
If you have not already done so, I invite you to view our Strategic Plan 2020 – 2024 at As you view it, you may notice three interconnected threads that are woven throughout which are a deep commitment to being a faith-centred, person-centred and justice-centred school community.
It is an exciting time for the College as we embark on realising the dreams and goals we have identified for Kilbreda over these five years, in partnership with our students, families, staff, alumnae and the wider College community. We have a clear path and exciting journey ahead as we empower each other to lead learning, innovation and improvement, enacting the vision and mission of Kilbreda College.
The need to evolve and respond to changing needs has certainly been thrust upon the College community in recent months as a result of COVID-19. Our College motto, Strength and Kindliness, has and continues to guide us through what has been a very challenging few months. Staff and students alike responded to the challenges of working and learning remotely with incredible commitment and effort. In this edition of Tower Talk we have included a feature on this unprecedented experience and how the Kilbreda community worked together to make it as positive and productive as it could be.
While we are still in the midst of a pandemic, we know that to be strong of mind, heart and spirit while being kind to ourselves, our loved ones and the wider community will help all of us get through the challenges together
With every blessing,
Nicole Mangelsdorf