College Notices

Roads and Traffic 

Just a reminder to all families to take care crossing the roads around the College and please use the pedestrian crossings when available. When students are walking from the College especially up Marion Street, across Barker Road and crossing Dickson Street at Merley Road, to be careful crossing the road. 


As a matter of courtesy to local residents, please do not park across their driveways and as stated in the last couple of Especeans please follow the Kiss and Drop rules and regulations.  


Uniform Shop

If your son is in Year 5 or 6 and is playing Football this season, he will need to purchase the Football jersey $45.00 and socks $14.00.


To make the process run smoothly, would you please complete the credit card form (click here to download) and email it to the Uniform Shop (click here to email) prior to your son visiting the Uniform Shop and being fitted for the jersey. This will be the most efficient way for your son to purchase a jersey.  We may not always be available to take your phone call with credit card details in the current circumstances. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.