Our Day - the Feast of the Holy Trinity

We usually celebrate our feast day with a whole school Mass and cake, like so many things in 2020 we are not able to follow this tradition. Although this is a little sad it does give us the opportunity to do something different. In doing things differently it gives us the opportunity to reflect on why we do things and what learning we are trying to get through with these traditions. This year each class is having a special prayer in their classroom on Tuesday morning. So although we won't all be in the hall, we will be praying together the same prayer in our classrooms. Instead of cake, I have organised a bumper sticker for each student with our motto of "live life to the full" on it. It is a reminder of what we strive to do at Holy Trinity. 

Thank you to our families who support our school by not only sending your children to us each day but by being involved in our community. Together we can develop and nurture our children to be the best people they can be.

Laptop return

If you borrowed a laptop during the remote learning phase it is time to return them. Please bring them to the Front Office so they can be returned to our system correctly and your family name marked off.


Kindergarten 2021 Virtual Open Day 

Come and collect an enrolment form from the Front Office or go to our website for one. Kinder applications close on Friday 3 July.



Please remember:

A drink bottle - our bubblers are still out of action.

To stay home if you are unwell - we had lots of sickness last week. Please remember these basic guidelines:

  • If you have to give your child Panadol or Nurofen for a fever today, they should STAY AT HOME TOMORROW
  • If your child has a hard cough, constant runny nose, sore throat or swollen glands THEY SHOULD NOT BE AT SCHOOL TOMORROW
  • If you have given them Panadol or Nurofen in the morning to get them “through the day” THEN THEY SHOULD NOT COME TO SCHOOL
  • If your child has vomiting and/or diarrhoea today, they should not come to school for 48 hours AFTER SYMPTOMS HAVE RESOLVED