Around the Virtual Classrooms


Long Day Care

Even our youngest members of the College community are back on campus. This week, our students enjoyed threading pasta, meeting new friends in the Prep class and exploring the big playground area. We look forward to welcoming more of our Long Day Care children and families back over the coming weeks.  We have missed you all! 






While Learning@Home, our Kinder students have been busy with their daily Zoom meetings, painting gumnuts and their Mothers Day crafts.


Year 1

The students in Year 1 have been busy learning about the season of Easter and playing some fun Maths games.


Year 2: 

The students in Mr Lowe's class have also been busy, enjoying a variety of tasks.


Year 4: May the Force be with you

The students in Year 4 were presented with a series of STEM challenges in order to extend their understanding of forces. The challenge was to plan, design and create either an obstacle course, a boat including the sail, a Leapfrog catapult or a Marble Maze. Here are some photos from the challenge.

The Year 4 students have also been studying the novel Storm Boy and what Mr Tom, Storm Boy, Mr Percival and other characters look like and ways to describe them.


Year 5 White


Students in Year 5 White have completed a lot of different tasks, ranging from Art to following recipes to listing what they are grateful for.












Year 6 Navy

The students in 6 Navy were asked to explore the concept of the Spirit of the ANZACs and how it is relevant in today's climate. They were given the opportunity to express this in a number of options - in an iMovie, create a piece of art, research a famous ANZAC, interview a frontline worker or think of another way in which to present their concept. Here are a few of the wonderfully creative pieces of work.


Ruby Baker
Rakaia Arahanga
Madeleine Cooling
Ruby Baker
Rakaia Arahanga
Madeleine Cooling


Hannah Jager
Hannah Jager

The ANZACs were built on the qualities of courage, determination, resilience, selflessness, resourcefulness, endurance, teamwork and mateship. When things get tough, Australians often employ the Spirit of the ANZACs to help get us through. 

This is especially evident as our country navigates the COVID-19 crisis. Frontline workers, particularly doctors and nurses, are constantly displaying these characteristics every day as they work to help other, even though the landing at Gallipoli and the current crisis are over 100 years apart. I see ANZACs and frontline workers as very similar people, and my artwork represents my thoughts.


Sofia Bowman-Shaw
Sofia Bowman-Shaw

My drawing is of two nurses. One is a nurse working on the frontline in the present. Around her are the coronavirus germs, because that is what she is dealing with in the present.

On the right is a nurse that worked in World War I. Around her are poppies, because when we think of ANZAC Day we think of poppies. This piece of art is a comparison of the past and present.


An Australian nurse Pearl Elizabeth Corkhill earned a Military Medal for her  bravery. She tended to help the injured during heavy air raid German forces.  During the bombing, Pearl stayed calm and continued to help her wounded  patients, despite the danger. When she heard that she was going to be awarded  for her bravery, the humble Pearl Corkhill was more concerned about the new  dress she was going to wear while meeting the King than winning the award. Pearl wrote a letter to her mother one day and it said, “I can’t see what I’ve done to  deserve this, but the part I don’t like is having to face George and Mary to get the  medal. It will cost me a new dress, but I suppose I should not grumble at that-I’m  still wearing the one I left Australia in”.    

I think that Pearl Elizabeth Corkhill is inspirational, by her bravery during the war.  She was calm and brave and did not hesitate doing her job even during the  bombing. I think we should all follow her footsteps because if we are ever feeling  scared or worried, think about how Pearl acted during the tough time and I think  we could all get a little bit of bravery on our side and remember this time will end. 



As part of their Maths unit of work, the students also investigated the number of right angles that could be made from 2 - 6 paddle pop sticks, LEGO blocks, pencils or anything striaght.  Students were to encouraged to identify a pattern and ultimately form a rule when looking at the data.