From the Director of Primary

We are looking forward to welcoming all Prep to Year 6 classes on Monday and the Kindergarten children on Wednesday.  It has been a challenging time and on behalf of the Primary staff I would like to thank parents and carers for your support and understanding. I commend our students on their perseverance, resilience and commitment to their learning during the past 4 weeks.


There is no doubting the distress and anxiety that many have experienced at this time. However, it is good to stop and consider the unexpected benefits that have emerged.  The level of responsibility that students have had to embrace is to be acknowledged and affirmed.  Their increased capacity to problem solve, to show initiative and greater independence when faced with learning challenges at home is to be celebrated.  Similarly, the increased opportunities for interaction between parents/carers and teachers has been wonderful, leading to an enhanced understanding of students’ learning goals and plans.


As we transition back to school many students may be feeling excited yet also concerned about social distancing, reconnecting with their friends or re-engaging with their learning.  Signs that your child might be feeling anxious include trouble sleeping, restlessness, bursts of anger, withdrawal or complaining of feeling unwell.  Please make contact with your child’s Class teacher if at all concerned.


How can we help children transition back to school? 

  1. Establish back-to-school routines in the same way that we do at the commencement of the school year.  This may include setting times to get organised, packing the school bag, getting dressed as well as adequate sleep.
  2. Encourage children to express how they feel about going back to school, and validate their concerns.
  3. Lead by example through positive comments and words of encouragement.


Staff are also working hard to ensure that the students enjoy a smooth and positive transition as they return to school.  As a result, considerable time will be devoted to supporting their emotional and social needs.  Opportunities for the students to reflect on their experiences will be important. Furthermore, it may allow teachers to gain insight into what students have learnt about the way they learn best during the past 4 weeks. 


In our Podcasts for Parents series, Year 3 teacher Norma Cooper has spoken to our College Counsellor, Linda Howe about the worries that some students may be feeling about returning to school after such a considerable time away. Linda offers advice on preparing students for the return, ways to reduce potential anxiety and the protocols in place for the safe return of students.

Click here to listen to the podcast via SoundCloud.

Drop Off and Pick Up

As we continue to follow social distancing practices and health protocols, we also ask that parents and carers drop and collect students through the use of the Kiss and Drop Zone or at the school gates.  Only parents / carers of the Early Year students (Kinder, Prep, Years 1,2 and 3) are permitted to access the College grounds.  


Early Years students may be escorted to and collected from the basketball court whilst maintaining 1.5m of social distancing.  Parents may not gather outside or access any Learning Spaces.


Kinder students are to be dropped or collected via the Nelson Road Kinder Gate or walked to the Kindergarten with siblings if coming from Kiss and Drop. 


Parents using the before school/after school and long day care services are to access the Kindergarten from the Nelson Road side entrance. Please ring the doorbell to alert staff (located inside the gate next to the side entrance) and we request that you avoid entering this learning space.


Social distancing signage markers will be placed in central areas including the Kiss and Drop zone, the basketball court and outside the Early Years and Kinder learning spaces.


We encourage parents and carers to work with children prior to next week so that they are prepared for these new routines.

Safety and Hygiene

A comprehensive list of the College’s COVID-19 Safety Plan may be accessed via the College website or by downloading the following document. 


For more information on the Return to School, please click on the link below.


I would like to note a number of essential points:

  • Please keep children who are unwell at home (experiencing cold, fever or flu like symptoms). If a student presents unwell at school, parents/carers will be contacted to pick up their child.
  • Students and staff will be required to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly.  For students, this will mean upon entering learning spaces and before / after recess and lunch each day.
  • Good hygiene practices (coughing and sneezing protocols) will be reinforced with students.
  • Hand sanitiser, soap and antiseptic wipes will be provided across the school.
  • Classrooms doors and windows will remain open to minimise the touching of knobs and handles (which will be cleaned regularly) and to promote natural ventilation.
  • Regular sanitisation of surfaces, including desks, will occur.  The playground equipment will be cleaned each day with access only during recess and lunch time.

Practical Things to Remember for Week 5


Books and Resources

Primary teachers will let students (Years 3 – 6) and parents (Kinder – Year 2) know what books and resources need to be brought back to school on Monday.


Students in Years 2 and 3 are required to return the school iPads so that they may be thoroughly cleaned before being distributed across learning spaces. 



During this transition period either the winter uniform or the sports uniform will be accepted. From Tuesday, 9 June, all students must wear the Winter uniform. 


Orders can still be placed via the Qkr! app or by emailing the Uniform Shop. Items ordered will be taken to the College Office the following day from when the order is received. Payment can be made upon collection, if necessary. 

Please refer to the sizing guide below to assist you in ordering whatever you may wish to purchase online.




The Canteen will reopen but we encourage families to place their orders using the QKR app rather than to use money. 


The Learning@Home platform comes to an end today, with Friday being a student free day. Please enjoy the myriad of photos of the students’ engagement during the past fortnight on the following page.



Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

Director of Primary