Principal's Report

29 May 2020

Term 2 

Firstly, I would like to congratulate and thank our school community for their support and commitment not only to student learning but to each other during a very challenging term. 

While it was not without its challenges, overall, I have been amazed at the amount of work and student learning that has occurred throughout the term. I have also enjoyed hearing the reflections of the remote learning experiences from students, staff and families. These reflections will help shape future practices at the College. Some of these practices include:

  • Using Microsoft Teams as a learning collaborative learning tool across the College
  • Harnessing the increased learning confidence and independence that many students have reported as a result of their experience in remote learning
  • Using technology to support student learning outside of the classroom, e.g. instructional videos, flipped and blended learning.
  • Reducing the interruptions of non-essential extra curricula activities on classroom activities
  • Allowing greater access for parents and carers to classroom activities and student work examples
  • Use of live streaming school events such as whole school level assemblies

We are also mindful that there is still the possibility the school may need to return to offsite learning for a period of time in the event that there is a positive case in our school community or a local government area lockdown. Early next term, we will share a survey with families to gather your formal views of remote learning and ensure that we have the best possible plan in place for any future return to remote learning. 


COVID-19 Update

There has been very little change in the advice in relation to school operations from the Department of Education and Training since the previous newsletter. This will mean that the College will continue all current hygiene, social distancing and other current measures into next term. 


The Department of Education and Training has approved for community groups to use school facilities outside of school hours from Monday 29 June. This will mean that external hirers will return to using our stadium and performing arts centre. Each facility will be extensively cleaned prior to the commencement of the following school day. 


Given the recent rise in cases of COVID-19, the Victoria Chief Health Officer wrote to Principals asking them to share the following update in relation to COVID-19

















Course Counselling

Course and careers counselling will take place for all students in Years 9-11 early next term. As we are unable to run normal events such as information evenings, we will be making pre-recorded information sessions and information booklets available for families to be able access from home. Links will be distributed via Compass early next term. Students will still be supported by their course counselors throughout this process. 


Further details to follow early next term. 



Semester Reports

Semester one reports are now available on Compass. Due to our period of remote learning, these reports are different to the usual semester reports. For students in Years 7-10, there are no Victorian Curriculum assessment levels. We have instead reported on how students performed during remote learning. 


School Review

Following a delay due to COVID-19, the Department of Education and Training has confirmed that our four yearly review will take place early in Term 3. This review, which occurs in all government schools will involve an external reviewer, a senior advisor and two principals from other schools. Over four days, working with myself and the leadership team, the panel will review the College’s progress, complete classroom observations and conduct focus groups with staff, students and parents. This information will be used to set the strategic direction of the College for the next four year. I am really looking forward to this process, particularly after the impressive improvements in student learning outcomes that we have been able to achieve over the course of the current strategic plan. 


Changes to Year 10 Subjects and Course Structure

This term, we have spent considerable time reviewing the current course structure at Year 10. This group which consistent of teachers, coordinators, wellbeing and careers staff set out with the following objectives:

1. Minimise interruptions caused to curriculum delivery at Year 10 due to course counselling, guest speakers, year level activities.

2. Introduce a significant adult at Year 10 who can become their mentor teacher and assist students with the course counselling process.

3.  Introduce guaranteed delivery of skills and knowledge not currently covered e.g. study and revision skills, respectful relationships, civics and citizenship etc.

4.  To investigate:

      a. Whether each of the above objectives are met through the introduction of Year 12 T@SK style subject or within domains

       b. The effectiveness of the existing Year 10 course subject offerings and rules.


The group also conducted focus groups with past Year 10 students and surveyed current Year 9 students for their views. In addition, we reviewed Year 10 courses at a number of other large secondary schools. As a result of this work, the following changes will be put into place for Year 10 2021:


  • Introduction of a pathways subject similar to Year 12 T@SK (2 periods per week)
  • Teacher of the pathways subject to become the class’s mentor teacher
  • Removal of the core Science, Humanities & Physical Education
  • Students will be required to select at least one Science and one Humanities subject
    • Science subjects (Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
    • Humanities subjects (History, Geography, Business Management, Legal Studies)
    • Physical Education (may involve some slight changes to current electives)
  • New Health subject (3 periods per week)
  • Multiple pathways/health classes in the same block to enable group activities (inc male/female), incursions etc

Term 2 Materials Charges

Following the decision by our school council to credit families for their materials charges that had been paid for the period of remote learning, we have applied a 20% credit for materials charges paid towards year long electives and other subjects that attract a materials charge (40% for semester 1 classes). These credits will be applied to each child’s school account. If any families are experiencing financial hardship, you are welcome to request this credit as a reimbursement. To do this, please email and attention to the business manager.  


Child Safe Updates

Patterson River is committed to providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all students, staff and members of our community. Our school recognises the importance of the partnership between our school and parents and carers to support student learning, engagement and wellbeing. We share a commitment to, and a responsibility for, creating an inclusive and safe school environment for our students.


To support these commitments, the College has recently updated a number of policies and procedures that relate to the safety of children. 

Grade 6-7 Transition Update

Applications are now in for Year 7 2021. We are currently in the process of working our way through these applications for 2021 in accordance with DET guidelines. 


We still intend to run our EXCEL Academic and EXCEL Sports testing once visitors are allowed into schools. We will communicate once dates are confirmed to all families who have registered. To register go to:

• EXCEL Academic 

EXCEL Sports  


Scholarship registrations have also been extended. Register here. 


Wishing everyone the a safe and enjoyable break. 



Mr Daniel Dew

College Principal