
HSC Results Released
The HSC results and ATARS were released on Thursday 15 December and were very pleasing. An increased number of students received results in Bands 4, 5 and 6. Overall, McCarthy students were awarded 16 Band 6 results across Business Studies, Community and Family Studies, Extension 1 Mathematics, Mathematics Advanced, Music, PDHPE, Spanish Beginners and Studies of Religion 1 and 2. Congratulations to all students and to the staff who have supported them. Many students have already received Early Entry offers in their chosen field of study.
Year 12 2023 Assessment
Students recently received a link to the McCarthy Curriculum website which gives them access to the 2022/2023 HSC Assessment schedule for each course offered at the college. This is pinned to their School Resources tab in COMPASS.They also received a booklet titled 2023 Rules and Procedures Guide from NESA - NSW Education Standards Authority. Students are reminded that assessment is governed by NESA.
Year 7 - 10 Reports
Semester 2 reports were made available via Compass on Friday 9 December.
Awards Presentations
Presentations for each Stage were held in the school Hall on Monday 12 December and livestreamed for those families unable to attend. Congratulations to all the award recipients.
Staff Achievement
Ms Tahlia Urquhart’s Proficient Teacher status was approved by NESA on the 21st of November, 2022. Tahlia was commended for her professional presentation and for her deep understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. We congratulate her on this significant milestone in her career.
Finally, thank you to all students and staff for your efforts in 2022. Have a safe, and joyful Christmas and enjoy your holiday break. We look forward to continuing the collaborative work in 2023.
Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum,
Briony Martin - Leader of Pedagogy &
Stephen Lawson - Leader of Pedagogy