From the 1/2 Classrooms

Melbourne Museum My Grandmother’s Toybox - Excursion

Last week, the Grade 1 and 2 students enjoyed a day at the Melbourne Museum. The exhibits the students explored were Dinosaur Walk, Bugs Alive, Forest Gallery, Mini Mega Model Museum and Melbourne Story. 


As part of our Integrated Studies unit – Through Generations, the students were involved in a lesson called My Grandmother’s Toy box.  The students were introduced to the concept of a timeline by exploring the different toys that had been placed in a toy box through several generations of a family. Through teacher led discussion, the students gained an understanding of what life may have been like for their parents and grandparents. There was the opportunity to compare toys from the past and present. 


Students were introduced to the importance of oral history and making their own connections to the toys that were in the toy box.


Using the following questions, students were asked to consider:

  • How do we know about the past?
  • How do we know what toys children played with in the past?
  • How do we know what games children played in the past?
  • How do we find out about toys that are old?
Students were asked about a toy that they would leave in the toy box for children to discover in the future. Here are some responses:

Freya – a soft toy kitten

Lucas – my fluffy hedgehog

Noa – my yellow teddy

Allen – my Captain America bear plushy

Ross – a stress ball

Alec – a toy car

Ayesha – my slime

Alexander – my cars

Liam – a basketball

Chloe – a Barbie

Arween – a Lego masterpiece

Zac – a stuffed toy

Brigette – my fidget spinner

Melissa – my Nintendo

Ben – a basketball

Sam – my 2022 Guinness world records book


The visit to the Melbourne Museum made real world connections to Our Classroom Museum.


Prepared by the Grade 1/2 teachers