Active Travel 

Walk and Wheel Wednesdays

Walk and Wheel Wednesday 

Every Wednesday, BPPS celebrates the amazing students who walk or wheel to school. A huge congratulations to those who wake up early for a good cause. 


On the 16th of November ’22 after four weeks of being defeated 4CM reclaimed their title as the Walk and Wheel champions. Not only did they win week 7 walk and wheel, but also achieved the heighest score of 2023 having 84.62% of the class walking to school.  4JT came in second place with 62% and 5NK in third with 60%.  On 23rd of November 4CM beat their previous score and now the new personal best is 87.5%. 4JT came in second place again with a score of 77% and 5NK in third place with 71%.  Congratulations to all the classes who competed! 



Now that we have entered Spring, the warmer weather will make walking or wheeling to school even more pleasant.  As well as enjoying the nature around you, there are many other great benefits such as:

  • Reducing traffic congestion around the school
  • Exercise helps your body produce more endorphins making you even happier to be at school
  • Reduces pollution in the air 
  • Walking with a friend is great fun
  • you can practice numeracy skills like skip counting and times tables 

Remember, if you live further away from the school and have to drive, students can still participate by having their cars parked a few streets back and completing the journey on foot with their parents.


Grade 4 students walking to school
Grade 4 students walking to school

Every Wednesday, there is a walk and wheel email reminding classroom teachers to complete the walk and wheel data for their classroom.  This week's poem was a haiku poem written by Amelia in 4CM. 


Wednesday is so fun 

Walking around is so cool 

Watching all the birds


Well done Amelia! I can't wait to see how many people walk and wheel next week!   Let’s see if a class can set a new BPPS record again next week! 

Heidi Roast

(Active Travel Coordinator)