Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

School Fete

See you all at BPPS on Election Day!  Our Fete is running from 10am to 2pm. 


Thank you to all of those who have volunteered to help on the day, at the time of writing this article we only had 10 volunteer slots not filled. If you think you can give a little time then follow this link -  


All cakes, biscuits and slices should be delivered to the Art Room tomorrow afternoon or to the stall on Saturday morning. 


Raffle tickets should have been returned, please send them back Friday morning if you still have some. 


Bring coins and cash if you are coming up, there will be eftpos on some stalls. 


Come have a sausage, buy a cake, get your face painted and enjoy a snow cone. Buy a second hand book, have some fairy floss or buy a coffee. Lots of fun to be had at the fete this Saturday. 


Transition and enrolments for 2023

This week we held our Information Night for our 2023 Foundation students. There were lots of parents in attendance and our Foundation team were supported by Shannon, myself and our School Council President Joe Cook and our second hand uniform parents Melissa Lewis and Leanne Lee. 


We held our first transition session for this term with our new students who had a great time in the classroom. We had some of our amazing Year 6 leaders helping and chatting to the 2023 Foundations students, supporting them with their activity. 


If you have a child starting school in 2023 or have a new neighbour please contact the office for an enrolment form or download it from the school website. 


Urgent Safety Concern

Balywn Road is a 40km per hour zone from 8.00am to 9.30am and from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. Due to an ongoing shortage of crossing supervisors some of our staff have had to be down there. 

We are incredibly concerned for the safety of our students with the speed cars are going, including cars which belong to our community. 

Arriving late is always better than hitting a pedestrian. The local council has been contacted about our concerns.  

Uniform policy 

A reminder about our Student Dress Code, our students should be dressed ready for their day at school in their uniform. 

A number of students are regularly wearing clothes which are not part of the school uniform. 

The code states make up is not acceptable at school, earrings should be small, studs or sleepers are acceptable. 

Our Dress Code is reviewed regularly and we ask all members of the community to support us by reminding their children about what is expected. 

We will also go through the Dress code with students in the coming week. 


Staffing update

If you have been at school recently and seen Hannah Maurici or Bridget Grundy you will have noticed they are both pregnant. They will be with us at BPPS for 7 or 8 weeks of Term 1 next year prior to the arrival of their second children. Very exciting news! 


Roslyn Pritsis will be taking leave from her role at Boroondara Park PS in 2023, Roslyn has worked at BPPS for 22 years and we hope she enjoys 2023. 


We currently have selection panels for three advertised positions working through applications. We should be able to share news regarding our new PE and Performing Arts teachers soon. 

OSHClub Holiday Program

OSHClub are excited to share news about their holiday program for 2023 - see the attached program. 


We have some exciting news to share with you! 

Friendships are made on our Summer Holiday Programs. Building friendships and creating new ones is what we are great at, so the goal of this campaign is to create as many opportunities as we can for friendships to flourish this summer.


Check out all of the resources that are available to help you promote The Ultimate Playdate – and have a FUNtastic time!


Our holiday programs are unique to each school and are jampacked with activities that children love.

Our popular activities include:

  • Cooking Club
  • STEM Club
  • FOMO Club

It’s going to be FUNtastic and we would love it if you could help spread the word by including the attached flier in your newsletter and some banners to add to your website.


We’ll be sure to take plenty of pictures to share some of the highlights with you early in Term 1. 


Solar Panel system

We are currently awaiting the final inspection for the solar panel installation. 


Once the government inspector has attended, they will give the okay for the system to be turned on. Our electricity provider will be notified and from there the system will starting working. 


The monitoring device will need to be installed and then handover will happen, this will enable us to track the system and identify how it is working. If the system has an issue or stops working we receive a notification, it is also monitored by the Victorian School Building Authority and Unified Energy the contractor who installed the system. 


As a School Council we decided to invest in a new and larger solar panel system to support our sustainability work and to reduce the cost of our energy bill.  Once the system starts working we will provide you with an update. 

Leaving BPPS in 2023

Throughout the school year we have new enrolments and families who leave BPPS. 


We would like your assistance as we work through our planning for 2023, please fill in this google form if your child will not be returning to Boroondara Park PS in 2023. 

Leaving Boroondara Park PS in 2023

BPPS Facebook and Instagram 

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 


Susanne Lowe
