It is hard to believe that we are in week 7 of term 4. With limited time left in 2022, there are multiple events on the calendar.
Please ensure you are checking the SENTRAL calendar for up and coming dates.
BBQ and Bake Sale
On Saturday 26th of November we are hosting the State Election and putting on a BBQ and Bake Stall to raise funds to enhance the courtyard where prep students play.
We are seeking please, a volunteer/s to oversee the Bake Sale items and support the collections of these on Friday 25th, and assisting with the sale on the Saturday. We will have a team of volunteers that will rotate though shifts on the day.
Please contact myself, if you are able to assist with the coordination of the bake sale and for anyone else keen to be rostered on for a couple of hours on the 26th, keep and eye out for the link to sign up.
Any support would be greatly appreciated.
Adhering to traffic regulations
Concerns have been raised in regards to the dropping off and collection of students from Huntingdon St and the increased amount of vehicles that are parking in ‘no standing zones’, leaving vehicles and walking over into the school grounds to collect children. This often leads to multiple other vehicles attempting to navigate through the narrow street, reversing back to allow other cars through and increasing risk to students and other pedestrians health and safety.
I would ask all parents/carers to ensure they are adhering to the traffic regulations when dropping off or collecting students from school each day. It is important that we are respecting all members of our school community, their time and health and safety.
We would not want the City of Greater Geelong officers fining families for parking illegally when collecting children from school.
Staffing Updates 2023
I would like to congratulate Amanda Galluccio on her appointment as Learning Specialist at Bellaire Primary School in 2023. Although a huge gain for the Bellaire team, it is unfortunate for the Chilwell students and community. We wish Amanda all the very best and look forward to hearing about her successes in this role next year and beyond.
Have a great week all,