Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.


PAMax NewtonFor doing his best  when writing about his writing about his holiday  Archie Ennis
PBWinter WatsonFor being a wonderful and enthusiastic learner within the classroom and at swimming lessons Harvey Isherwood
PCKayden McDormanFor working hard in his reading group activities Paeton Smith
1ALennon StevensAlways ready to learn, and contributing valuable insights into group discussionsKai Ahu
1BArizona EdwardsFor her amazing work in Maths, solving a worded problem using sharing with counters  Patrick Markmann
1CMason SnowFor including lots of adjectives and verbs in his recount Felix Gard
1DSummer JonesFor working hard on her Procedural Text by using the correct structure and presenting her writing very neatly  Nixon Small
2ASummer EastmanFor her ability to identify her learning goals and a focused effort to achieve them  Harvey Cullinan
2BLucas BoffeyFor demonstrating his understanding of place value when renaming three digit numbers  James Turner
2CTiffany HalfydeFor her ability to rename the place value of numbers and always trying her best in all classes  Tilly Kendall
3AEadie LetcherFor completing all of  her work to a high standard  Leo Kairouz
3BOrla ConnollyFor trying her best in reading and takes great pride in the presentation of her work  Noah Lancashire
3CCallum Smith For being creative when writing TV scripts and using persuasive techniques Amara Truscott 
4AKoby RoughleyFor working hard to complete a detailed and structured writing piece  Sophie Gillard
4BDylan SnowFor continuing to challenge himself throughout our Fractions unit  Zaide James
4CCaden WallaceFor working hard throughout the Fractions unit  Coen Rose
5AHolly JonesFor having a positive attitude towards school Mason Bekker
5BIsla KerrFor working hard to complete her writing to persuade leadership piece  Zach Lambert
5CShelby PeperkampFor working hard to complete challenging maths tasks involving inverse and balanced operations  TJ Lambert
6AEbony FennFor an outstanding narrative filled with descriptive and figurative language  Alexa Altham
6BMatilda DebonoFor making outstanding progress in her Division post test Fadi Rezk 
6CJesse Jay BarkerFor applying himself well to his end of year reading assessmentsLucinda Debono