On Wednesday October 26th, we had three students recognised at a fantastic Awards Ceremony function at Mornington Racecourse. Over 300 guests, including State MP Paul Edbrooke, attended the FMPLLEN VCAL Awards where three of our finest received awards.
The winners were:
Excellence Award - Luke Worrall
Industry and Innovation Award - Jacinta Reid
Encouragement Award - James Muir
Congratulations on a fantastic year and a great acknowledgement!
Over the course of the year, Amber Lee has been our Parks and Gardens trainee at the College. She has been studious towards her modules and active in her practical work. She was able to successfully navigate her professional relationships with staff and balance the line between staff member and student perfectly. As a reward for her efforts, Amber has been named as the winner of the West Vic VET Excellence Award for 2022. Congratulations Amber! We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
We have built on our Parks and Gardens program at theCollege! Amber’s good work has lead us to installing a whole class of School Based Apprentices completing their Certificate II in Parks and Gardens. At the time of writing, we have 10 student signed up and still have up to 5 positions remaining. On your Compass, you will see an online Information Session happening on Wednesday November 9th at 5:30pm through Zoom. Get on board if this is your chosen vocation!
We were very pleased to find out that the Department of Education has identified our program as “one that demonstrates best practice in actively valuing and celebrating vocational, applied learning and academic pathways equally”. The team will undertake a meeting with Valad Solutions and the Department before a full day of field work to identify what it is we do well to support our students. This is great validation for our fantastic staff team and gives us confidence as we transition into the VCE Vocational Major stream. Well done, team!
Recently, students from Foundation VCAL have spent weeks preparing a presentation for College Council (which was approved) to run a community car wash for staff cars. So far, the students have washed 12 cars following a custom process that includes a damage report, pre-clean check and post-clean inspection. The results have been amazing and the staff are happy to get their cars cleaned after the recent rainfalls! Well done, team!
Our Year 11 students are finishing up their final community projects for the year. The environment-themed projects came out of avisit to The Briars and a Community Project Day focused on highlighting the need for global sustainability. Students have undertaken projects such as; making shower scrub from coffee grounds, installing a worm farm, mulching a newly made Pumpkin Patch, repairing timber seating around the College and finally repairing the decking that sits out the front of the container next to our Community Garden. It has been great to see the urgency and motivation of our students as they finish their intermediate studies.
After the success of the Year 12 Celebration Day, it is time for us to remind you all of our upcoming final days for Year 10 and 11. Both groups will go to Gravity Zone and enjoy a final lunch together.
Year 11 Celebration Day - Thursday November 17th
Year 10 Celebration Day - Friday November 18th
The Year 10 Formal will take place on Thursday November 17th at Functions by The Bay in Frankston. The event will include food, soft drinks, photo booth, dancing, music, awards and amemorable evening.
Please ensure you have organised and paid for your Valedictory tickets. The 2022 Valedictory will take place at the College on Friday November 18th. This is a special event where we get to acknowledge and celebrate our graduating class of 2022.
HEADSTART for 2023
Timetables are now on Compass for your Headstart program. We are excited about the new batch of students coming our way and look forward to another amazing year of applied learning at McClelland College. The Senior Booklist can be found on the Parents page of the McClelland College website. The staffing is also set and we are pumped to introduce new blood into our teaching team! Look out for the new faces when you start on Thursday October 24th!
VET and SWL during Headstart
Please note that the VET classes at TAFE that students have chosen are not running until earlynext year. We also do not expect students to have their SWL work placement organised for this two-week stretch. If you need more clarification on this, please contact one of the VCE VM team on 9789 4544.
Key Dates
Thursday November 17th - Final 2022 Assembly - Period 1
Thursday November 17th - Year 11 Celebration Day
Thursday November 17th - Year 10 Formal
Friday November 18th - Year 10 Celebration Day
Friday November 18th - Valedictory
Monday November 21st - Student Free Day
Tuesday November 22nd - Student Free Day
Thursday November 24th - First day of VCE Vocational Major 2023 classes
Monday November 28th - Year 12 Excursion to the City (PDS)
Monday November 28th - Year 11 Excursion to St Kilda Football Club (PDS)
Tuesday December 6th - Final Day of Headstart for 2022. Last day required for all VM students.
Monday December 12th - Job Camp #1 - RSA and Barista
Job Camp #2 - White Card and First Aid
Tuesday December 13th - Job Camp #1 - RSA and Barista
Job Camp #2 - White Card and First Aid