HT P&F news
Hi to all from the Huntingtower P&F.
We hope everyone is staying safe and dry and not getting flooded in. Wondering when this crazy weather is going to end and summer is going to start?
Year 12s have finished their exams and we hope they all went well. Now for the younger kids to have a go. Hope they aren’t stressing out too much.
This month has been quieter with events but the P&F team as always have been busy sorting out bits and bobs and even starting planning for next year.
Upcoming events:
Cinema Under the Stars:
Unfortunately due to La Nina causing havoc with our regions rainfall we had to postpone the event until the 24th March 2023. Fitting it into the calendars was crazy.
Hopefully the weather is better then and we will monitor the movies that come out over the Summer to keep the screening up to date for the kids.
Thank to all the people who had prepurchased tickets and hopefully you have sorted out ticket transfers or refunds.
Leave Your Mark:
We have been working behind the scenes to organize some pavers for outside the PAC that you can engrave your name on so you can be part of the school forever.
Its always nice to see the names of past and present students when walking round the grounds. Please see flyer and link and get your details in so your time at the school will go down in history forever.
Link here: https://www.huntingtower.vic.edu.au/index.php/pavers
In bygone years the good old entertainment books have been a great fundraiser and we still sell a few in the uniform shop each year. These books are full of discounts and vouchers for restaurants and activities all around the state. Please see below link for the new digital version.
Old school Entertainment books are still available from the uniform store.
Link here: https://subscribe.entertainment.com.au/fundraiser/187r881
Carparks and Drop offs:
Just a reminder to everyone out there to slow down when driving within the school grounds.
The kids are working hard and have their minds on their schoolwork so its our job to have our minds focused on their safety. Slow down and please be patient. Let’s make sure everyone gets to and home from school in pristine condition.
Stay safe and hope to see you around the school soon.
From the P&F Committee