
Music Notes
2023 Ensembles have a Head Start!
With the Year 12 students fully engaged in their final VCE exams, the opportunity was taken to commence rehearsing the 2023 versions of our choral and instrumental ensembles. This venture has been a great success, with performances already undertaken by some of these new groups at the four most recent Principal’s Assemblies with the Senior Strings, Senior Concert Band, Senior Symphony Orchestra and the freshly created Middle School Strings. This head start approach has established a fabulous foundation on which to build for our major performance events taking place next year. However, we are also looking forward to our Year 12 musicians re-joining our groups for the Speech Night performances!
Music Expo Night Success
The Inaugural Music Expo Night held in the PAC and Music Centre provided a fabulous chance for current and future Huntingtower students to explore the many choices available to become involved in Music at Huntingtower.
The event opened with a performance by the Senior Symphony Orchestra which in itself exemplifies the variety of instruments on offer and needed for a balanced and successful music program. Following a presentation about the many benefits of instrumental and choral music participation, the students were treated to the opportunity to have some hands-on experiences with the range of instruments that they could potentially pursue, which was largely facilitated by the Symphony Orchestra students.
By the end of the Music Expo Night, those students who had decided their instrument submitted their enrolment forms for Private Music Lessons and/or nominations for ensemble membership. This isn’t the only chance to express interest in the music program, as we welcome any student at any time, so if you weren’t able to be there at the Expo you can always contact us at to become involved. We are particularly keen to support students who may have recently had a little break from their instrument and wish to return, or students who play piano and wish to transfer their musical abilities onto a second instrument that can be played in one of our many ensembles.
Mr David Mowat
Head of Music