Junior School News 

Prep 1 & 2

Dear Families, 

It's astonishing how quickly we've reached the end of Semester One! Throughout the past two terms, we've had an abundance of reasons to celebrate, and we couldn't be prouder of our students' remarkable achievements. As we approach the break, we sincerely hope you have a fantastic and rejuvenating time. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you back in Term 3, where we can continue to build upon the successes and accomplishments of the past semester.

Prep News 

 100 Days of Prep

We are excited to announce that on Thursday, July 27th (week 3), we will be commemorating 100 days of Prep with a special celebration. To make this occasion even more memorable, our Preps will be dressing up as 100-year-olds! Attached is a QR code to some pictures from our last year's celebration. We will provide more details about the event when we return next term. 


In MSL we are learning about Open Syllable words. In these words, the vowel is not 'trapped' between consonants and can 'shout out its name'. 

During our writing sessions, we are exploring adjectives and discovering how they can enhance our sentences and make them more exciting for the reader. 


In Maths, we have been delving into the concept of addition. Inspired by the story "One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab," we have been creating number sentences that correspond to the pictures from the story. It has been an engaging way to reinforce our understanding of addition. Meanwhile, in our money lessons, we are immersing ourselves in the world of Australian toys. Through activities such as Book Shop, Coffee Shop, and Supermarket, we are becoming familiar with the use of money. These hands-on experiences areallowing us to practice making transactions and develop a practical understanding of currency in a fun and interactive way.

Year One News

In our writing lessons, we have been focusing on 'subordinate conjunctions' and the concept of sequencing events. To practice this, we utilised the life cycle of a broad bean as a learning tool. Students were encouraged to think about the events that occur before and after each stage of the life cycle. By using subordinate conjunctions to indicate the order of events, we were able to construct well-structured and cohesive sentences that effectively portrayed the progression of the bean's life cycle.


Our MSL rule is Gentle Cindy; where the 'g' says /j/ and the 'c' says /s/. 


In Maths, we are currently exploring the topic of Money. Our focus is on developing skills related to Australian coins. We have been actively engaged in tasks that involve recognising different coins, ordering them based on their value, and initiating the process of counting small collections. These activities are helping us build a strong foundation in understanding currency and its practical applications in real-life scenarios.


Singing to the best Grade One teacher in the word. Miss Rafferty, we love you!

Year Two News

In our mathematics lessons, we have been delving into the world of multiplication, specifically exploring the concept of arrays. Through visual representations, we have been learning how to arrange objects into equal rows and columns to better understand multiplication as repeated addition.


In our writing sessions, we have successfully completed our study of sentence stems such as "if," "when," "before," and "after." Now, we have shifted our focus to exploring subordinate conjunctions, specifically "although" and "even though." These conjunctions allow us to introduce contrasting ideas and add complexity to our sentences. By understanding and incorporating these subordinating conjunctions effectively, we can enhance our writing.


During our MSL sessions, we have been engaged in a comprehensive review of our rules. This includes revisiting important rules such as "eat bread and steak" for remembering the vowel sounds of 'ea,' as well as the rule that 'igh' makes the long /i/ sound. By reinforcing these rules, we aim to strengthen our understanding of phonics and improve our overall reading and spelling skills.


 In Respectful Relationships we have been  been focusing on friendship and exploring the qualities of kindness, respect, and empathy. Through various activities and discussions, we have been learning about the importance of treating our friends and peers with kindness and respect, as well as the significance of empathising with others and understanding their perspectives.

By examining these qualities, we aim to cultivate a positive and inclusive classroom environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Understanding the importance of kindness, respect, and empathy not only helps us build stronger friendships but also fosters a sense of empathy and understanding that extends beyond our immediate circle of friends. This was inspired by our story 'Joseph and the coat of many colours'. 

Grandparents and Special Friends 


Bronagh Maloney

Junior Leader






