Parents' Association 

G’Day St Bede’s Parent/Carer Community,

Get ya flannels and uggies on, slick back the mullet for the St Bede’s 2023 fundraising event Bogan Bingo!

Silent auction, live auction and raffle items will be up for grabs so come along cashed up (card facilities will be available).


Book your tickets at and tell ya mates to do the same



  1. How do I BOOK A TABLE?

Tables can be either 8,9 or 10 people ( 10 is squishy )


  • Book under a table/ticket name and tell ya mates to book the same table name
  • Book on. Your class cohort and spend the night with some amazing people.
  • If you want a table of 10 please contact one of the organsiers



  1. Do I have to dress up ?

No you don’t BUT it would be hilarious if you did!

Dress up is  optional.


  1. I can’t attend but would love to donate?

Bring in an item from the list emailed the other day ( eg BBq shapes, lollies etc )

Contact one of our organisers if you would like to discuss larger donations .



A SHOUTOUT to our sponsors- you are all rippers !  THANK YOU ! Check out the flyer and support our community businesses.

 If anyone would like to be one of our sponsors, don’t hesitate to contact us !



It’s gonna be a ripper night with lots of laughs- see ya there !

Cat       (0412 823 076)

Lisa M (0400 178 435 )

Viv       (0410 436 696 )


