Religious Education

Dear Parents

As you are aware this term the students are Inquiring into the concept of Creativity. In Religious Education, the students will work towards developing the following understandings:



Enduring Understanding

Creation stories help explain how the world began.

Supporting understanding

The Creation stories are not literal interpretations.

The Catholic Tradition has two creation stories in the book of Genesis.

Different faith traditions have different stories of origins.


Year One and Two

Enduring Understanding

We are all made in the image and likeness of God

Supporting understandings

I can explain that God is shown in different ways.

I can understand that God has created the world in a specific way.

I can see God in ourselves, in others and in the world around us.

I can recognise that we are people of God.


Year Three and Four

Enduring Understanding

The story of creation can be understood through both science 

and scripture working hand in hand.

Supporting understandings

The Creation narratives help explain how the world began but are not literal interpretations.

Different faith traditions have different stories of origins to help us understand how the world began.


Year Five and Six

Enduring Understanding

We can use our creativity to live out the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, and to contribute to the mission of the Church

Supporting understandings

There are many Saints and followers of Christ who have used creativity to live out the gifts of the spirit and contribute to the mission of the church

The Catholic tradition has signs, symbols, rituals, prayers and practises associated with the sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation.


Have a lovely week
