From the Principal 

Week 8 Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to Term 3!! I trust everyone had an enjoyable holiday.  The children have come back eager to continue their learning journey for the year.


There are some exciting events taking place  this term. Some of these include:

21 July             Bastille Day

24 July             Whole school athletics

26 - 28 July     Grade 3/4 Camp to Phillip Island  

7 Sept              St Bede's Art Show

and for the parents

12 Aug            Bogan Bingo Fundraiser Event


During the holidays there were developments to the playground area. The old sandpit area was redeveloped. This included new retaining walls to the sandpit,  some sensory equipment as well as rubber based flooring. Thank you to the Parents Assocation for their generous donation to this part of the playground.


Also there has been some development to the Yr 5/6 classrooms. We have commenced the process of obtaining new furniture for this area (5/6 J) and we are making the classrooms slightly bigger by removing the walls to the break out space area.  New TV screens will be purchased (once again thank you to the PA) for the Yr 3-6 classrooms. They will be mounted to the wall and will replace the current commboxes.





The Operoo form for our whole school athletics day was sent to all parents this morning. Richard is asking for the assistance of as many parents as possible on the day.  The children are very excited!!!


Our Major Fundraiser  (Bogan Bingo)

Our major fundraiser event for the year is quickly approaching. It would be wonderful to get as many parents to the evening as possible.  You will find more information under the Parents' Association part of this weeks newsletter.



As most of our community is aware Kitty Wood will be taking maternity leave in a few weeks. We have been fortunate to have employed Mrs Hannah Vickers to replace Kitty. Hannah spent the day with the  class yesterday.  I know everyone will make Hannah feel welcome when she joins our staff in the coming weeks.


Bastille Day ( French)

Next Friday 21 July we will be celebrating Bastille Day at St Bede's. The children are invited to dress up in a French theme. This can be as simple as wearing the colours of the French flag.

We will have a quick  parade before assembly (2.15pm) and Tuckshop Team have created a special Bastille Day menu to choose from. 



As a community, our condolences are with Marianne Moore and her family  on the loss of Marianne's son Mitch over the weekend. I ask that you please keep her in your prayers.


Have a great week
