National School Review Survey

Parent/Carers and students (with parental/carer permission) are invited to complete the National School Review Survey.


"This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education to conduct the National School Review Survey.


The Review is being undertaken by a Panel of education experts to inform the development and negotiation of the next National School Reform Agreement with individual Australian States and Territories.  The Review will focus on achieving improvements in learning, and health and wellbeing outcomes for students. This includes students from low socio-economic backgrounds, regional, rural, and remote Australia, students with disability, First Nations students and students from a language background other than English.


The National School Review Survey is an opportunity to collect the perceptions of parents, children and teachers on priority areas to feed into the Review. Priority areas include student health and wellbeing, teacher attraction and retention, and improving transparency and accountability."


Survey Link and more information available here.