Around the School

Stars In Our Midst

A handful of our students and staff have been quietly participating in the production of a short movie that has been filmed on location here in Echuca-Moama. 'Loki and Me' tells the story of two young orphans seeking refuge in a country town. Our home-grown movie stars included Macklin Dalziel (as an extra), Cara Haley (costume designer) and Miss Garden's already-famous horse, Molly (as a well-trained extra). The movie, once finished, will be entered into the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival.

Welcome, Clemence, to MAG

Student Exchange is an enriching experience for the host school and the student.  Clemence Schneider is from France and joined the MAG community late in Term 2.  Clemence embraced my request for her to present her personal story to the class. Our Year 10 class were immersed in Clemence’s life in France and intrigued by her recount of an excursion to Paris! Clemence delivered her presentation in perfect English, which impressed us all!  

Ms Bush 

PDHPE Update

Year 11 PDHPE meets Science 

Over the course of the term, Year 11 PDHPE have been studying the skeletal, muscular, respiratory and circulatory systems. Students had the opportunity to look closely at the structure of a swine (pig) femur which had been cut down its frontal plane. This allowed students to consolidate on their learning by being able to visually observe the cartilage, cancellous bone, bone marrow and compact bone. 

Students also had the opportunity to dissect a pig’s heart. A pig's heart closely resembles a human heart, so this was another great opportunity for students to consolidate on their learning. We had numerous hearts and made different cuts into the heart to examine the different structures. Students could clearly identify the right and left ventricles, with the left ventricles larger size clearly visible to the students. Students could also identify the left and right atrium, aorta, pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins and valves. A huge thank you to the Science faculty in coordinating the practical lessons. 


Year 10 PASS

Our year 10 PASS students have recently spent time on the croquet courts out at Rich River Golf Club. The students have been guided by Marjorie and her team of experts. Students have taken the challenge of learning a new skill in their stride and are thoroughly enjoying the experience. 


Year 8 Golf

It’s the year 8’s turn to dip their toe into the world of golf. Student have enjoyed a session of ‘happy golf’ at school with a session on the driving range and mini golf course at Rich River to come. 

Sydney Olympic 2000 Torch

Over the past Term 3B have been reading the novel 'Toad Rage' by Morris Gleitzman about a Cane Toad named Limpy wishing to become one of the Sydney Olympic 2000 mascots like the famous Syd, Ollie and Millie. Year 3B have enjoyed learning all about the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and the famous Olympic torch relay that featured in  'Toad Rage' , which featured more than 13,000 torch bearers and travelled more than 27,000km around Australia. By coincidence, Quinny's mum (Phoebe Knowles-Mullholland) ran with the real Olympic torch in Melbourne's CBD. 3B was lucky enough to have the real Olympic torch brought into school by Quinny, the students loved looking at how it worked and feeling how light it was. 


Da Vinci Decathlon - Secondary

Last Thursday our secondary DaVinci teams yielded some amazing results in Wagga Wagga. Our Year 7 team had to work hard with most of the team new to the DaVinci style of competition.


 DaVinci Year 7 Team Results 

3rd place Science

2nd place Ideation

2nd place Legacy

1st place Mathematics

1st place Cartography

Overall 2nd place 


Friday saw our Year 9, 10 and 11 students pushed themselves to the limits and achieved amazing results!


DaVinci Year 9 Team Results 

3rd place Engineering

1st place Art and Poetry


DaVinci Year 9/10 Team Results 

2nd place Science

1st place Creative producers

2nd place English

3rd place Cartography

2nd place Art and Poetry

Overall 3rd place 


DaVinci Year 10/11 Team Results 

1st place Engineering

1st place Ideation

1st place Creative producers

2nd place English

2nd place Mathematics

2nd place Art and Poetry

Overall 2nd place 


All students involved should be so proud of their efforts. Congratulations!